Chapter Four - Promise

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District Four Reapings

Glade Waverly P.O.V

I sit down on the beach of my District as waves crash on the shore. I look next to me at Marina and smile. She smiles too. I scoot next to her and grin. I lean in slowly and kiss her full lips.

A spark speeds through my body as the kiss continues. I bite her soft bottom lip asking for entrance. She agrees to let me in and our tongues battle for dominance. I win and explore her mouth. Marina leans back as we kiss and I'm on top. The waves continue crashing as we kiss. Such a beautiful moment.

We pull back for air and Marina smirks. She grabs my body and flips me over. I laugh as I grab her hips and throw her over gently. Her ombré blue dress becomes very sandy.

"Oh you want to fight!" Marina says jokingly. I nod as Marina jumps on me. Her curled auburn hair covers her face. We roll around in the sand laughing.

I finally grab Marina and pick her up. She gets out my grip and stands up. I look at Marina. She is so beautiful. She is the love of my life. I look at the time and gasp.

"We have to go." I state. Marina frowns but nods. We walk to the town square hand in hand. We get there and get in a line.

I become first in line and a peacekeeper grips my hand. She pulls out my middle finger and pricks it. I wince in pain. She then instructs me where to go and I nod.

I walk to the seventeen year old male pen and see Marina go to the one next to me. I move through people and go to the ropes. Marina does the same. We move our hands to the bottom of the rope and grip our hands together.

Mayor Brook gets to the stage and says his speech. Probably the speech every other mayor says.

"Ladies and Gentlemen, Today is the day in which we will select the two tributes that will represent District Four, in which they shall fight for their lives and their districts to win the first annual Hunger Games. I'm happy to be here and so should each of you be too. Some time ago, our nation had to stand earthquakes, floods and storms, but we were strong and our country originated from the ashes. But then, the Capitol and it's thirteen districts, which are surrounding it, grew and the districts rebelled. So the capitol had to defeat this rebellion and district thirteen was destroyed. So that anything like that will never happen again, we invented the Hunger Games. Each of the 12 districts has to offer a boy and a girl in the age of 12 and 18. I hope that one day our children can live together in peace and without violence. Now I wish good luck to the districts and it's tributes!" Mayor Brook went offstage and a woman went on. I looked at her and I almost fainted.

The woman was wearing a dress. But not any dress. A fish dress. Yes, a fish dress. The dress went down to the floor and it was covered with dried trout. Her hair was invisible, due to the hat she is wearing. The hat had a fish as a feather. Her skin is ocean blue with matching lips. She looks ugly.

"HELLO EVERYONE! I AM AQUILA VERIDIAN AND I WILL BE YOUR ESCORT FOR HOPEFULLY, MANY YEARS!" Aquila chirps. I roll my eyes. Capitol people are so stupid.

"Before we get on to the selection of the tributes, let's watch a short film from the Capitol!" Aquila grabs a remote from the peacekeepers and starts the video.

War, terrible war.

Widows, orphans, a motherless child.

This was the uprising that rocked our land.

Thirteen districts rebelled against the country that fed them, loved them, protected them.

Brother turned on brother until nothing remained.

And then came the peace, hard fought, sorely won.

A people rose up from the ashes and a new era was born.

But freedom has a cost.

When the traitors were defeated, we swore as a nation we would never know this treason again.

And so it was decreed that, each year, the various districts of Panem would offer up, in tribute, one young man and woman to fight to the death in a pageant of honor, courage and sacrifice. The lone victor, bathed in riches, would serve as a reminder of our generosity and our forgiveness.

This is how we remember our past.

This is how we safeguard our future.

I look to Aquila and see she is wiping her eyes.

"Gets me every time! Anyways! Let's start selecting the tributes, shall we, ladies first!" Aquila walks to the bowl on the left and dips her hand in. She grabs one from the top and walks to the center. She opens the slip and reads the name.

"ARYELLE PEARLE!" Aquila calls. A girl walks out from the fifteen year old pen. She climbs upstage and smirks at the crowd. She snatches the microphone from Aquila.

"I am Aryelle and I'm fifteen. I WILL come back to this District." Aryelle states menacingly. I shiver slightly at her tone. I look to see Aquila looking terrified.

"Okay! Now for the males!" Aquila walks over to the right bowl and picks a name. She walks to the middle and reads the name. But for some reason, I don't hear it. Someone behind me pushes my body forward. I finally hear Aquila.

"Glade Waverly?"

I fall to the ground outside the pen and I hear a cry and feet running. I see Marina. My dear Marina.

I have to do this now.

Marina helps me up and I hug her. Tight.

"Marina, ever since I first met you, my heart melts every time I see you. You are the love of my life. You are so beautiful and I have to ask you something before I go." I get on one knee and pull out the ring from my pocket.

"Marina Oceaná Rivers, will you marry me." I ask. Marina covers her mouth in shock.

"YES! YES YES YES!" Marina shouts. She pulls me up and hugs the living life out of me. She let's go and kisses me. This kiss is a kiss that is so passionate. So... Beautiful.

Marina pulls off and pushes me away. I walk upstage and see Aquila crying.

"Please welcome our tributes for the FIRST Hunger Games, Aryelle Pearle and Glade Waverly!" The crowd bursts into cheers. We turn around and walk to the train.

I will come back, no matter what.
Hey guys! Sorry this chapter is so short. How do you like Glade? Will he keep his promise to Marina? Or will Aryelle keep her promise? Four reapings down, Eight to go!

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