The Story Begins

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8:30, Saturday, April 30, 2017, my my tenth birthday, the day I was finally becoming a Pokémon Trainer. If not for my alarm clock completely getting unplugged and me missing waking up, that is. It was 9:53 when I woke up.
"Hi, honey, wasn't today the day when you're when you're supposed to become a trainer." my mom asked.
"Yeah, Azu and Marril are waiting outside, son." my father said.
"Thanks mom, thanks dad." I waved.
As I stepped out the door, Azu and Marril, sure enough, were standing outside. We had all agreed since today was my birthday, I'd get to pick my Pokémon first! They were cool people, but not very smart, so when I stepped outside, I saw Marril yelling at Azu about something. I decided to stand in the door for a little bit, watching the fraternal twins argue. I kept that up for 3 minutes until I snickered a little, and they glared at me.
High-fiving me, Azu said, "Hey, Zib, you ready to become a Pokémon master?"
"About as ready as you are, Azu, and twice as ready as Marill." I replied, high-fiving back.
Marill gave me another glare, but it was obviously out of jealousy. When we were walking to the lab, Professor Acacia gave us the briefing about the Pokédex and the everything else you needed to know. But something was interesting, they were 18 starters, Jhoto, Kanto, and all the others, so there was, Squirtle, Bulbasaur, Charmander, Totodile, Chikorita, Quillava, Piplup, and you know the rest, probably. Hopefully. Maybe. But anyway, most of those were just empty Poéballs with the labels left over, so we were left with Squirtle, Chespin, and Chimchar. I, being the cool guy I am, picked Chimchar, Azu chose Squirtle, and Marill chose Chespin.
As I was getting the pokéball ready, the professor said, "Now, now, Zib, research has discovered that if you let a Pokémon walk outside of the pokéball, it will grow more accustomed to the trainer, and quicker, too."
"Oh, sorry, I forgot, ma'am." I said, and Azu sighed in relief.
With that, we headed outside. I knew it was tradition to battle right after a trainer getting his/ her Pokémon.
"Let's battle, me and Zib against you, Marill!" Azu said, before I could.
"Yeah, sure, that would be fair." Marill mocked.
"Yeah, it would." I said.
So, she agreed, once she got 2 Pokémon, she said. So with that, we did a 1 vs. 1 vs. 1. With me being the victor, Azu was stupid, only using Withdraw once. And Marill just using her stat-lowering moves. After that, I decided to nickname my Pokémon "Torchtail". Azu named his "Ironic". And Marill named hers "Grasquirell". We had also decided that we would go on our journey together. I packed up my things and we headed out on the road. Marill wouldn't shut up about Azu's stupidity, so I started doing the hand thing, opening and closing it in rapid succession, and Azu laughed. We were on route 1 when I remembered I had a couple o' Pokéballs.
So as soon we got to the first patch of tall grass, I remembered, then exclaimed "Oh, here!" I tossed them the Pokéballs.
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