Chapter 11

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"Firstly, you saw its main body is 'slow' but it's so big that there's nothing we can really do about it, those trunks can stretch far, and fast too, and the only raw advantage we'd have isn't really an advantage when the flaws are factored in..." Zelle pointed to the sky.

I followed her finger upwards, remembering the terror on her face before being thrown into the elephant's mouth. "How is she so unbothered by this?" Her screams echoed in my head.

"The water in the clouds. It perfectly repairs our souls 'even' if it's torn to shreds... piece by piece, but that's not for our benefit," she explained, scratching the back of her head.

I shot my eyes to the ground as she pulled her gaze towards me.

"However, it means that if we're hurt, we can keep moving because it'll heal eventually," she finished.

"Is that the plan..."

"No, I'm gonna let 'Abi' loose on em and once I find the biggest one, we'll rush it and jump through its cloud, using the trees.


"Yeah. The one we saw was a 'tyke', we need the 'grandfather'."

"Grandfather..." Visions of the elephants towering height shook my balance from me, reducing me to my knees.

She clinched both her fist, stepping to the border of the right path.

"Are we really going to be able to do this..."

"Death is a big obstacle for most mortals, but you've been blessed with a look beyond the veil of mystery. 'You've seen your after', therefore nothing about this should concern you anymore," she announced, shrugging her shoulders.

My face dropped. "How am I-"

She raised her eyebrow. "You were chosen by a 'deity' to ascend mortality, and you're finally showing some promise! If you acted as much as you 'thought', we would be 'out' already," she continued.

"Is she just lying to m-"

"Whatever you're zoning out about better be productive to our escape...Otherwise, you'll eat yourself alive before they do..." Her eyes gave an intense glow.

A steady stream of water felt as though it washed over me making my skin crawl in a wave of ripples. "This feeling..." I nodded my head wildly.

"Oh wait... What's your name gonna be?"

The question ripped me from the moment.

"Umm... I guess I hear something familiar about the name Fool."

"...You mean cause that's the 'first' thing I called you?"

"N-no, since the first time you said it, I can't shake this feeling about it."

"You think it's linked to something from your life?"

"I'm not really sure..."

"Fine, but when you think of something better 'let me know', You ready... Fool?"

The name filled me with a familiar chill, making me content. I confidently nodded.

"Then let's get outta here," She yelled, leaping to the tree trunk on the other side of the 40-foot path and immediately kicking off a tree to jump around the forks' curve.

Taking a deep breath, I prepared to jump. "How will I land?" I looked at my feet. "I can't touch to ground or Zelle will have to save me again... I'll just have to make it!"

A long screech sounded, eventually being accompanied by various others as it progressed.

"Did Zelle find it already?" My legs trembled uncontrollably. "I need to jump... Why won't my legs move."

Fool of Knight 1: StrengthWhere stories live. Discover now