What they feed you

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He just feeds you baby food. He'll mix it up from time to time but he mainly feeds you cherry baby food. If he try's to feed you carrot baby food you'll just spit it out. Smg4 most of the time will say "Seriously" or "Why do I even keep trying"

🔴Mario Mario🍝

It's Mario I think we know what he tries to feed you. Luigi has to stop him from doing it in the first place. But you mainly get fed a variety of baby food because Luigi knows what he's doing.


She usually feeds you blueberry baby food. On occasion she'll do others but mainly blueberry since you seem to like it so much. You rarely do spit baby food at her but when you do it crushes her soul a little.

☠️Saiko Bichitaru🔨

She feeds you chicken baby food (yes that's a real thing). You like it too, which sets up KFC hi-jinx. You don't spit baby food at her cause you know what's gonna happen. You ass is getting bonked.

(⛔️Warning New challenger! I repeat new challenger⛔️)

 🟡Smg1 & Smg2🟦

They both feed you different things. Smg1 gives you more protein based baby food. While Smg2 gives you more fruit based baby food. You don't mind either one buuuut if you had to choose one over the other you would definitely choose the fruits.

(That's one chapter done! Please be sure to give requests for characters or scenarios. Until then have a nice morning/day/evening/night and take care buh-bye!!)

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