Smg1 & Smg2 Catch-up

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How they find you

Arc: Spudnick's Great Adventure

You were just in a crib and soon Smg1, Smg2, and Spudnick found you. Smg1 tried to find your parents but couldn't. It was mainly Smg2 and Spudnick that were pushing for the two to adopt you. Deep down Smg1 really did feel bad but he just said him and 2 will adopt you only so Spudnick can have another playmate. That's when the three realized you didn't have a name yet. Spudnick suggested Dune but that one was just put into consideration. Eventually they all came up with the name Y/N "That is a good name" said Smg1. Spudnick was asleep since he kinda got bored "I think it fits them!" said Smg2.

Your First Words

(Good Word: Toy)

Smg1 was the main one trying to teach you words. Smg2 just let's you have fun and play with Spudnick. Right now Smg1 had a white board with words on it trying to get you to speak. You were just playing with a rooster toy. Smg1 would sigh "No Y/N you can play with toys after the lesson. He would take the toy from you and little did 1 or 2 know you were practicing words with Spudnick. You were pissed "Toy!" you said. Smg1 was shocked "W-what did you say?" said Smg1. He was shocked and wanted to know that he wasn't just hearing things "Toy!" you shouted. He was honestly proud of you and gave your toy back. Smg2 came in and you presented your rooster "Toy!" you said. Smg2 would hug you "Good job Y/N! You finally said your first word!" said Smg2. Smg1 smiled "Yes. Good my child" said Smg1.

(Bad word: None)

No one in the Toy Toy kingdom really cusses. So you've never heard or knew about bad words.

Your First Birthday

The day had come. Your birthday. All of Spudnick's friends where there and helping set up the party while Spudnick himself was keeping you distracted. Once Spudnick got the signal that the party was ready he took you there and you were met with a space themed birthday party.

 Once Spudnick got the signal that the party was ready he took you there and you were met with a space themed birthday party

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You were instantly amazed by the fake stars "HAPPY BIRTHDAY Y/N!" everyone shouted. The party would start and after cake you opened presents. Everyone's gifts were cool but it was Smg1 and 2's gifts that made your day. Smg1 gave you a F/C scarf like his "Now you can have some fashion" said Smg1. Smg2 would give you barrette "I found this and instantly thought of you!" said Smg2. You smiled and put both on. They didn't fit you but you'd eventually grow into it.

(That's one chapter done! The long awaited Smg1 and Smg2 catch up. God this took way to long to get to. Next and last is Meggy and then will get back to our regular new scenarios. Until then have a nice morning/day/evening/night and take care buh-bye!!)

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