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Xander purposefully cut off the WiFi from his house and made sure that no one dropped newspapers at his front door.

He didn't need anyone to remind him of what today was nor did he need anything bothering his wife. He ordered the security guards to never leave the different areas of the house that they had been assigned to unless it was to either use the bathroom or eat.

Twelve merciless German shepherd dogs surrounded the whole house. They all took post at the main entrance and other spots in the house. There were forty-four guards in the mansion. All were from the secret elite force specially requested by Xander. He was familiar with all forty-four of them, twenty four of them were his teammates from his early days at the secret elite force and the other twenty of them were special people he met every time he traveled around the world.

Not even a lunatic would dare trespass.

He knew the paparazzi would come straight to his home after, not only Veldmon but the whole world was left with their jaws slacking down after VE news had gone live this morning. He couldn't pinpoint who had given the very vital information out yet to the press but he knew for sure that something rotten was going to go down that morning. He could just feel it. The person who must have tipped the press off must have been someone close, he knew that much. Someone who he must have upon the doors of his home to. He wondered if it was him. There was a high possibility that it could have been him.

Xander didn't limit his mind to a dead man, no, he would do more investigation and sniff the rat out. He just needed to deal with everything one step at a time.

He hadn't seen Eliana all morning. She was probably somewhere in the house, hiding from him as he was from her.

I really messed up this time.

He knew that his cursed habit of always wanting to speak the truth will put him in fire one day and it did.

He was already plotting ways to apologize and make it up to her but that would just defeat the point of everything that he had purposely done and said last night. He wanted her to know exactly how he felt about them and especially about her.

He won't bother her today though, no, not today when her brother is being put to death and not when he helped to see that through.

An ear piercing scream shook him out of his thoughts. It came from outside the window.

Seems like a lunatic did trespass.

Xander peeked through the blinds and saw that Naga bit a man with a camera in his hand. Naga dragged the man by his butt and towards the window where Xander stood and peered up at her owner. No other dog dared come close to her; they all peered up at Xander waiting for his instruction.

That's my girl.

Xander looked down at the black maned dog who sat as still as a statue, next to the bloody screaming man. The man cursed and cried out for help uncontrollably. Xander pitied the man, his right bottom was mutilated. Naga barked at Xander which brought his attention back to her. She then growled and took a dangerous step towards the wailing man who was unaware of how close he was to seeing his maker.

"Naga." She heeded to Xander's warning and then walked back to her post, waiting for her next victim.

Some guards helped the man up and someone was already scrubbing and washing off the blood from the concrete floor.

Xander walked back to his desk and called in his head security.


"Paige, I need you to show our guests the dogs and how hospitable they are, put Naga in the center and take off all their leashes, thank you. Oh and please see that the man is treated properly and Naga didn't do too much damage."

"I don't know about the last part sir but copy that."

The heavy black gates to the mansion opened wide. Paparazzi immediately flocked to the gate but halted in their expectation when two men in black suits came out, holding up Naga's wailing victim. They dropped him in front of his colleagues who were just too many to count. They had heard the screams of the man who they had earlier called lucky to be able to invade Xanders home but now he was being labeled unfortunate. Some threw up the breakfast they had hurriedly eaten because of the news they heard this morning while some averted their eyes from the screaming man and others were making their way back to their car quietly.

The 12 dogs without leashes around their necks stood still in front of the gate. Naga was in the middle with fresh blood all over her mouth and nose. She yawned and in the process had scared off some paparazzi who got a glimpse of her sharp blood stained deadly canines.

Naga was bored and so she laid on the ground as they all ran to their various cars and foolishly bumped one another out of fear. One reporter ran after her TV crew after they had all dropped their cameras and drove off hastily. She fixed her eyes on her victim as he was being wheeled on a stretcher into an ambulance. Fun time was over, She turned back and walked towards the house, lying down where her victim once laid, sniffing the blood that was once there.

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