4 ~ More

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Felix felt like he was frozen. In fact, it felt like the whole world was frozen in place. I really like you. Wooyoung's words echoed in Felix's mind, each word bouncing around like the ball in a Pinball machine. A tiny part of him wanted to sing and dance and set off a cascade of fireworks. But the rest of him was too stunned to move or think.

"Felix?" Wooyoung's concerned voice snapped him out of his trance, and he realised he'd been staring at the older's face without even blinking for god-only knew how long. Feeling extremely flustered, he quickly looked down and stared at his hands instead.

What he saw nearly sent him into another trance, though. To his immense surprise, he discovered that his hands were encased in Wooyoung's, and the older's thumbs were gently rubbing circles on the backs of them.

The freckled boy looked up at Wooyoung again, opening and closing his mouth like a fish. He finally got a hold of himself, though, and gulped before saying with a shy smile, "I like you too, Wooyoung."

A look of intense joy washed over the older's face, and he squeezed Felix's hands. He then leaned forward, closing the gap between them, and captured the younger's lips with his own.

By now Felix was ready, and he responded straight away. It was a soft, sweet kiss, full of longing and desire. It felt like waves lapping against the shore under a setting sun, at the end of a perfect day full of laughter and love. To Felix, it was Heaven.

When they broke apart, Felix looked down, suddenly feeling embarrassed. But Wooyoung gently lifted his chin with one finger, so he was looking into his eyes.

"Felix ... the last few months have been amazing. I've been so lucky to get to spend so much time with you. I was so happy when they announced that we'd be in Mayfly together. And when we were practising our stunt, I felt like we got closer and closer with every jump. I look forward to seeing you more and more each day, cause we have so much fun together, and you always make me laugh. But you also make me feel safe, and when I'm with you ... I feel like I'm home."

As soon as Wooyoung let go of his chin, Felix bowed his head, unable to look in the older's eyes any longer. He was overwhelmed with emotion. Wooyoung's speech had stirred up some intense feelings inside of him, and his heart was now beating so wildly he was sure Wooyoung could hear it.

When the silence had stretched just a bit too long for comfort, Wooyoung gently asked, "Felix? Did I say too much? I'm so-"

"No," the younger quickly replied, looking up at Wooyoung again. "No, you didn't say too much. In fact, what you said was perfect."

Felix smiled warmly at Wooyoung, and then found himself leaning forward and kissing the older's soft, delicate lips once more. This second kiss quickly became very passionate, both boys suddenly wanting more. Felix took things a step further by climbing onto Wooyoung's lap, his legs resting on the bed on either side.

The Australian put his arms around Wooyoung's neck, pulling him closer. In response, the older bit Felix's bottom lip, and when the younger opened his mouth, he pushed his tongue inside, eager to explore the warm dark space.

A minute later, Wooyoung slid his hands down Felix's back and cupped his buttocks, giving them a firm squeeze. At that, the younger gasped slightly, pulling away and breaking the kiss. Wooyoung chased Felix's lips, but the younger put a finger on the older boy's lips, causing him to stop.

"Before we go any further, there's something I need to say," Felix started. He paused to take hold of Wooyoung's hands. Gazing into the older's shining eyes, he continued.

"What you said before, that's exactly how I feel too. When Kingdom started we were already friends, but I feel like with everything we've done together, we're on another level now. A much ... closer level. I can't wait to see you every day, and I feel empty after we say goodbye. I guess what I'm trying to say is ...... I think I'm falling in love with you, Wooyoung."

The older boy beamed at Felix's declaration and squeezed his hands tightly. His eyes shining even brighter than before, he said, "Well, I know I'm falling for you, Felix!"

All of Felix's embarrassment and nerves vanished in an instant when he heard Wooyoung's words. It felt like a fire had been ignited in his heart, and he had a sudden need to be as close as possible to the other boy.

With no warning at all, Felix suddenly pushed Wooyoung down on the bed, letting out a low growl. He started kissing him hungrily, as his hands found the buttons of Wooyoung's shirt and began undoing them with a wild desperation.

Before he got very far, though, a hand was pressed against his mouth, breaking the kiss, and another hand pushed him back up, away from the older boy.

"Woah there, lover boy!" Wooyoung exclaimed. "Don't you think you're going a bit fast?"

"W-what do you mean?" Felix asked, his confidence fading rapidly.

"I mean," Wooyoung replied, "since this is your first time, we should be taking it nice and slow, to make it more special."

Felix felt his cheeks flush red, and he looked down for a moment feeling suddenly shy. When he looked up again he asked, "H-how did you know?"

Wooyoung grinned. "With my experience, it's not hard to pick." Putting his head on the side, he continued, "Hop off for a minute. I've got an idea."

So Felix climbed off Wooyoung's lap and watched as the older moved to the other end of the bed. He placed a pillow against the headboard, and sat down with his back leaning on it. Then he patted his lap, smiling at Felix suggestively.

"Come here," he said in a soft, raspy voice.

One Special Night ~ WooLixWhere stories live. Discover now