5 ~ Home

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Felix happily crawled across the bed and back into Wooyoung's lap, looking at the other boy expectantly.

"Now, I'm going to show you how to do things properly. Just watch and learn," Wooyoung instructed.

Felix stared into Wooyoung's eyes, mesmerised. He looked like a kid on his first day at school, Wooyoung thought; eager to learn and not wanting to miss a thing.

He noted with approval the younger's excitement and undivided attention. With his eyes locked on Felix's, he found the top button on the other's shirt and started undoing it with agonising slowness.

As he moved to the next button, he slowly licked his lips, watching as Felix's pupils darkened. He continued on in the same way til all the buttons were undone. By this stage, his own heart was beating rapidly, and he was sure that the younger's was too.

His eyes never leaving Felix's, Wooyoung slowly, slowly slid the shirt off the younger's shoulders and down his arms, letting it fall to the floor.

Finally, he let his eyes move to Felix's bare chest, smiling hungrily at the sight. His eyes widened slightly as he ran his right hand down the younger's well-defined abs, a feline 'rrreow' escaping his lips.

When he'd finished, he looked into Felix's eyes once more, winked, and said, "Alright ... now it's your turn."

Wooyoung watched Felix with anticipation and barely-contained excitement. He couldn't wait to see what the younger would do. Felix started off well, staring into Wooyoung's eyes and undoing the first button. (He'd already undone the top two buttons in his desperate desire earlier, so he had a head start.)

But once he moved onto the next button, Wooyoung could tell he was having trouble. The cute, freckled boy fumbled for a while, not achieving anything, and his cheeks slowly turned pink. He eventually broke eye-contact to glance down at his hands, while his breathing came in short gasps.

Wooyoung gently lifted the younger's chin so he was looking into his eyes again, saying, "Breathe, Felix."

Felix nodded, then closed his eyes while he took a deep breath in and then out. When he opened his eyes again, he looked calmer. Smiling shyly at Wooyoung, he tried the button once more, this time succeeding. The next button flummoxed him, though. Wooyoung could see that Felix was shaking slightly and he felt sorry for the boy, so he gently placed his own hands over Felix's and helped him with the last two buttons.

The younger smiled sadly at Wooyoung as he slid the shirt down the older's arms. But the moment he glanced at the older's now-exposed chest, his eyes grew as big as saucers. Wooyoung watched him lick his lips lustfully and reach out both hands to caress the older's abs, stars exploding in his eyes.

Much as Wooyoung was enjoying the unbridled admiration from Felix, though, he was ready for the next stage of their evening to begin.

He cupped Felix's cheeks and turned his face up, gazing into his beautiful orbs for a long moment. Then he leant forward, capturing Felix's lips in a soft, sweet kiss. As the two boys' lips moved in perfect harmony, Wooyoung slid his hands down Felix's sides, letting them come to rest on his waist.

Then, quick as lightning, he flipped Felix onto his back and straddled him. Felix's shock was palpable. Wooyoung revelled in the younger's sharp intake of breath and nearly burst out laughing as his eyes popped out of their sockets.

The older boy only took a moment to observe Felix's reaction, though, very quickly letting his insatiable lust take over. He lunged forwards, hungrily attacking the younger's lips once more. Felix groaned loudly and bucked his hips up towards Wooyoung's crotch.

Suddenly, a knock sounded at the door. The two boys froze in place, barely breathing. They locked eyes, a look of horror passing between them.

"Wooyoung-ah? Is everything alright?" Seonghwa's deep voice sounded through the door.

Wooyoung quickly unfroze, answering his hyung with only a slight tremor in his voice. "Yes, hyung, everything's fine."

"OK. Well, I'm off to bed now - is there anything you boys need before I go?"

"No thanks, hyung. But thanks for asking."

"Goodnight, then, Woo. Goodnight, Felix."

"Goodnight, hyung," the two boys chorused in unison.

Wooyoung and Felix stared at each other, frozen in place, as Seonghwa's footsteps slowly faded away. And then another 5 seconds, just to be sure. Finally, they both let out the breaths they'd been holding, the older collapsing onto the other boy in sheer relief.

"I'm sorry," he groaned.

After a few seconds, Felix fervently declared, "I hope there aren't gonna be any more interruptions!"

Wooyoung sat up again, a cheeky look spreading across his face. "There won't be. That's why I locked the door."

Felix looked shocked, his eyes flicking to the bedroom door then back to Wooyoung. Wooyoung smirked, pleased with this response, and winked at the younger. Suddenly, Felix's eyes sparkled brightly, and he gazed at the older with undisguised lust.

"Well, what are you waiting for, then?"

Wooyoung didn't need to be asked twice.


The room was still and quiet. The only sounds that could be heard were two sets of gentle breathing and the occasional rustle of the sheets as the boys snuggled closer together. Felix was resting his head on Wooyoung's chest, and the older had his face buried in Felix's hair.

"That was perfect," Felix murmured.

"You're perfect," the older replied with an affectionate smile.

The freckled boy lifted his head then, moving back slightly so he could look at Wooyoung's face.

"I've got one question, though."

With a very serious expression on his face, he continued, "What are we going to tell Changbin?"

He looked serious for a couple more seconds, but when he couldn't hold it any longer, a broad smile spread its way across his face.

Wooyoung, for his part, simply quirked an eyebrow, saying, "Nothing. I'm sick and tired of him."

A chuckle escaped Felix's lips. "I'm sick and tired of him too," he replied.

They stared at each other for a couple more seconds, then they both collapsed in fits of laughter, rolling around in the bed as tears streamed down their cheeks.

Once they had calmed down again, they settled back into position, their heads next to each other on the pillow.

Wooyoung gazed earnestly at Felix. "Really?" he asked.

Felix nodded, his eyes never leaving Wooyoung's. "Really," he replied.

They leaned in and shared a slow, gentle kiss. When they pulled apart, Felix put his head back on Wooyoung's warm chest, a position he was already thinking of as 'home'.

"I love you, Woo."

"I love you too, Lixie."

Moments later, they were drifting off to sleep in each other's arms, contented smiles never leaving their faces.


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