Clear Waters

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The light from the trees poured into the tent as Tidus awoke. The blankets were warm and he didn't want to move so as to not disturb Rikku, but he had to go.

With a little resistance, he squirmed free of her grasp and left the tent to find Auron sitting on the edge of the branch they were on. After relieving himself around the corner, he came to sit by Auron.

"What's going on with you?" Tidus asked. This recieved a grunt front Auron as the two stared of into the mix of trees. "Something to do with my old man?"

Auron sighed and turned towards Tidus. "I remember when he and I made our way through here. Got into an argument and wanted to rip his head off right there. Of course, I couldn't, but the anger was there. I don't know if it was just him or if it was the woods doing it." He looked back to the trees.

"Huh. Yeah, I wanted to do that to my old man a long time ago. Of course, I never got the chance either." Tidus laughed for a moment before Auron joined him. Tidus turned to him and smiled. "Didn't think you had a sense of humor." He jested.

"Hard to, after all I've been through." Auron sighed. "But that's enough of that. We need to get moving." He groaned as he stood, offering a hand to Tidus. Once he was up, Auron started moving towards camp.

After Tidus took his tent down with a little help from Rikku, the group set off again. As the rest of the group continued forward a bit, Yuna slowed to match Tidus.

"Are... you doing okay?" She asked. Her words were like a hammer to the gut.

Suddenly she wanted to care? But she couldn't even keep eye contact? "Yeah. I'm alright. You?" Tidus asked.

"I'm glad you're okay. I'm sorry about everything again. I didn't mean-" she was cut off.

"I said I'm okay. It doesn't matter anymore. Your married, and I'm not going to let a good friendship be ruined by jealousy." Tidus stated blankly. "Please. Let's let that go." Tidus was staring at her. There was a tinge of hurt, but he seemed to come to terms.

"I see. My apologies. I agree. Well, I had a little leftover food from this morning. I didn't want it to go to waste." Yuna pulled a little bag from her pocket. "Figured you would like it. You've always got an appetite." She smiled with a joking tone.

Tidus couldn't help but laugh at her statement. "It's true. I'm always hungry." He smiled back, snatching the bag. Cornbread and a couple of cookies. "Jackpot! Thanks, Yuna." He pumped his hand and instinctively gave her a sideways hug. He paused a moment then cleared his throat as he let go. "Sorry." He stated.

She smiled again. "It's okay. Friends hug eachother all the time." She stated cheerfully. "Don't get too gloomy back here." She nodded before catching up to Lulu and Wakka.

Rikku joined him at the back, Auron just ahead of them. "What was that about?" She asked. "You looked super awkward." She chuckled.

"Yeah, I just don't completely know where we stand with eachother, you know?" Tidus asked.

"Yeah. But hey, I'm sure Yuni will always be there for you if you need her... Of course, if I'm not there first." Rikku looked the other way to avoid him seeing a touch of red on her cheeks.

"I'm sure. But our friendship is still healing." Tidus smiled, pulling Rikku into his side and kissing her head. "And I'm sure you'll be there first. I mean, you're faster than her." He chuckled. Rikku let out a "pff" before also laughing.

The day proceeded with a few battles and ambushes before they made it to the travel agency at the end of the woods. Exhausted, the group rents rooms for the night and swiftly turn in. Tidus sat at the window, staring at the peaks in the distance. "What's mount Gagazet like?" He asks.

"Cold. Full of Ronso's. It's where Khimari came from." Rikku smiled. She took a seat next to him and looked out as well. "Pretty view, though."

"Yeah. It is." Tidus nodded. He pulled her close and she rested her head on his shoulder.

They sat like this for a while before Rikku looked at him. "Hey. I saw a lake in the woods not far in. The waters looked very clear. I wanted to check it out before we left. You down?" She asked.

"Sounds awesome. Lead the way." Tidus stood and stretched. He followed Rikku as the two of them made their way back into Macalania. The walk was about fifteen minutes before they came to a clearing with a lake and big tree in the center.

"Macalania lake." Rikku stated. "Such a beautiful place." Her voice was full of wonder. Her eyes shone with the reflection of the lake.

The water was clear, yet just reflective enough that the twinkling of the woods was captured like a night sky. The water lay practically motionless, waiting for them to indulge themselves. A gentle breeze blew across the lake, making Rikku's hair sway slightly along her shoulders.

Tidus found himself staring, captivated. How had he not noticed how beautiful and cute she was before? She turned to him with her head tilted.

"Well?" She asked.

"Well what?" He returned, blushing and rubbing his neck at being caught.

"We gonna swim or what?" She smiled, taking silent note of his staring.

"Y-yeah. Sorry, I was just..." Tidus tried to find an excuse, but couldn't. "I was just admiring you." He admitted with a chuckle. This time, Rikku blushed with a smile.

"Aww." She held her hands against her chest above her heart. "That's so sweet of you." She smiled wider.

Tidus smiled back and pulled her into a hug. His heart hammered right along with hers as her warmth mixed with his. "Ready to swim?" He eventually asked.

"Uh huh." She giggled before breaking away from the hug and dashing into the water. As soon as she can, she dives in and begins to swim around with Tidus right by her side.

The two spent hours in the water before they came back to the shallows.

As they waded through the water, Rikku sighed. "I'm worried about Yunie, ya know?" She floated up onto her back.

"I know what you mean. I'm worried for her too. I don't think that she should go completely through with this. I get the importance of the pilgramage, but... there just has to be a better way." Tidus stated, floating next to her.

"I'm sure we'll find a way. I'm sure you will find a way. You always do." She smiled.

Tidus got back to his feet, where the water was around his diaphragm and pulled Rikku to him. She wrapped herself around him and they stayed like that for a few minutes before Tidus brought his finger under her chin. She stared into his eyes as the water gently swished around them.

The world seemed to fade away as Rikku held his gaze. A fuzzy feeling overtook her, heart thumping hard as if being squeezed. Her breathing became shallow as she waited for him to move. Her stomach fluttered as he leaned forward.

As their lips locked together, the sounds of the world disappeared, only their hearts and breathing heard as the passion of their kiss seemed to heat the water. Rikku lost herself in the kiss, giving herself completely to the contact. After nearly three minutes, Tidus finally pulled himself back, Rikku protesting gently. Tidus then lifted his hand to the back of her head and laid her aginst his chest.

Listening to the beating of his heart, she spoke. "Tidus... I... I've loved you for a long time." She then waited.

After a few seconds of inward searching, Tidus smiled, then rested his chin on her. "I love you too, Rikku." His searching himself showed him that he did have these feelings for her.

As the two embraced, their attention was brought to some bushes nearby that rustled. After a moment passed of nothing else happening, they returned to their embrace.

The two stood there for a few more minutes before Tidus lead her out of the lake and woods, holding her hand the whole way. For the last 4 hours that night, they slept in each other's arms comfortably.

A different kind of ending.Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin