The Marriage

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The bells tolled, the white tapestries and sheets, the white cake, and the bride in a white dress. It drove him crazy, but he remained sitting, silent. His eyes locked with Yuna's for a moment, and Tidus nearly broke down right there. But he had to stay strong. He was a guardian, not a child.

Yuna stepped up to the altar, taking Seymour's hand after each of them went through the movements of showing their respect. She had to admit, he did look stunning in the tuxedo. The Guado to the right, and the humans closer to her and from Besaid to the left.

Everyone fell silent, Wakka passing a worried glance in Tidus's direction. He was positioned between him and Rikku, who seemed excited about it all. Then again, excitement was kind of her thing. Lulu, Auron, and Khimari stared on.

As the lines were spoken, Tidus seemed to drain. His eyes seemed to hollow out when the two accepted, then kissed. It seemed like there was no one there. No consciousness.

When the crowd stood up, he snuck his way around, only noticed by Wakka and Rikku, whom he gave the excuse "I have to use the bathroom."

They didn't believe it, but they couldn't stop him. They didn't want to ruin the wedding.

"Come on, Wakka, go after him!" Rikku said as the crowd's cheers grew. Wakka groaned, then slid out of the crowd.

"Hey!" Wakka called once he entered the hallway after Tidus. "What are ya doin'?" He asked

"It just... It isn't right. She doesn't even like the guy!" Tidus nearly yelled.

Wakka didn't know what to say, but he knew that if Tidus didn't return, it would be noticed.

"You need to come back. Endure as a guardian. It's your job, ya?" Wakka stated. "And you wouldn't want Yuna to be upset, do you?" He asked.

Tidus remained silent for a few moments. "Yeah... I guess you are right." He said. He put his arms behind his head and shook his head. "I couldn't have her anyway, could I? I am her guardian, huh?" He asked, glancing back at Wakka.

"Exactly. That is just how it is, ya?" Wakka finished.

Tidus turned around, a fake smile on his face. Wakka bought it though. "Yeah. I guess I should be happy for her." He said, putting his arms down and walked towards the door.

Wakka nodded, then followed. "Exactly." He sighed. As they approached the door, it opened, then Lulu slipped out.

"Why are you not in with the rest of us?" She asked, rather sternly.

Tidus stammered, then was cut off by Wakka.

"He had to use the bathroom, and I came with so he didn't get into trouble with his big mouth." He said, covering for him.

"H-hey!" Tidus complained.

"Very well. Get inside, they are about to cut the cake." Lulu said, staring them both down.

They reentered the room and the festivities continued as Lulu took her spot next to Yuna, who couldn't keep Tidus's eye contact.

Yuna turned back to the cake. She knew how he felt towards her. And she felt the same for him. But she knew her duties as a summoner. To make the people happy. But she wanted to continue her pilgrimage.

She forced a smile on her lips as she held the knife and Seymour held her hand. It was soft, yet warm. The knife slid through the cake, the aroma of chocolate filling her nose.

Tidus remained still against the far wall. He didn't want to witness this, nor be a part of it, but hell, he had no damn choice. He had to keep it all to himself too. That was probably the worst of it.

Auron leaned against the wall next to Tidus, staring on at the wedding.

"What do you want, old man?" Tidus asked, sounding rather broken.

Auron stood silent for a moment, then started, "This is part of her story. All of your stories have come together. However, your story intertwines with another's. Do not let this get in the way. You must still perform your duty as a Guardian." He finished, the same stoic tone residing in his voice like always.

"Yeah... I guess you're right. But..." Tidus wanted to argue. He wanted to prove him wrong. But he knew Auron was right. He knew that he couldn't let this stop him from doing what he needed to do. Sin needed to be stopped.

Auron stepped away from the wall, joining the group near yuna. He glanced back to Tidus before sparking a conversation, ending briefly, with Yuna.

Tidus huffed and stared at the ground, when Seymour approached him. Instantly, Tidus was away from the wall, their eyes locked.

"Ah, Tidus. Why not join in the festivities?" Seymour asked, his soft voice sounding out to him.

"Not a party type." Tidus replied.

"I see. Even Sir Auron is enjoying the party. Is there something wrong?" Seymour asked, that knowing expression on his face.

"No, no. Just not a fan of parties." Tidus said, holding back the anger inside. "Bad experience when I was younger." He said.

"Why don't you tell me about it?" Seymour asked.

"I'd rather not." Tidus looked towards the group. "You should tend to your new bride." Tidus said, almost spitting the last word like venom.

"Ah, I see. I am truly sorry. However, a summoner is not allowed to marry their Guardian." He said, as if he had seen right through him. "It is tradition."

Tidus grit his teeth, but he kept his mouth shut.

Seeing this, Seymour nodded, then motioned through the prayers of Spira. "I do hope you will be well on your journeys." He finished before returning to Yuna's side.

Tidus moved back to the wall, but stopped. Someone had wrapped their arms around his shoulder, then was gone in the next instant, before Tidus could turn around. The giggle sounded familiar, but he couldn't place his finger on it.

Taking a chair at a lonely table, he took up one of the cups that sat in the center, then drank from it. Before he knew it, he had drank five cups worth of the wine, and he felt a little woozy from it.

He hadn't even realized that Wakka and Rikku had joined him. "Oh! Hey. I didn't see ya there." He smiled.

"Hey, what are ya doin'? You're gonna get yourself drunk before the party's over." Wakka stated.

"Yeah, that won't be good." Rikku said, staring Tidus down.

"I guess you're right." He said, sighing. Then something came to him. They weren't really ever together, and he was her Guardian. Not her lover. "I guess I should let it go, shouldn't I?" He asked.

"Would interfere with your duties if you didn't, ya?" Wakka asked.

"You're right. And besides. We never really started being together, did we?" He asked.

"Besides, she wouldn't be able to anyway, because you are her guardian." Rikku nodded.

"Yeah. Let's just have some fun!" Tidus cheered, accompanied by a happy crowd of cheers. He glanced away, then muttered, "That wasn't supposed to be so loud."

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