How can this get any worse?

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It's been a long day in Central City for Barry in fact it's been a long couple of months for Barry. I mean sure he has super speed and he saves lives but because he is a super hero he doesn't have a lot of time to stop and think about himself. sure he's fast, but something's just have to be dealt with one step at a time.
It was a Friday night in Central City. Barry just finished up his "project" with Joe which was proving Dr.Wells is the reverse flash. When Barry went home he just sat there on his couch with nothing but the kitchen light on and no noise, just ..... Silence. Barry has been so strong but felt so weak. Barry has been holding in all of his emotions for so long. It started after he told Iris that he loved her. Barry just sat their in silence replaying everything that has went on in his life. Barry was numb, he put on a smile and forced a laugh everyday to be strong. He got tired and it was hard for him to show his true emotions.
He first started to think, "Why would someone I looked up to so much and someone I care for just betray and use me, use all of us?" Barry sat there thinking he's such a fool and should have known. For the first time in a while he started to tear up. He was so used to it that it happened naturally for him to hold them in . Then he started to think about his dad and how he still hasn't freed him. He thought to himself "Why am I so useless for my dad, I have promised him year after year and nothing. He's still not out." He got angry and the tears just came up faster and closer to his eyes but yet again they just some how disappeared.
Then......Iris came to mind. Barry was trying so hard to push the feelings down but he loves her so much he just......couldn't. He started to think about when he first said he loved her. He remembered how fast his heart was racing, and it wasn't because he was the flash. He remembered the nerves tingling down his stomach making knots and his palms getting sweaty. His throat was dry. It hurts him to think about it because he has never felt more rejected in his life. He felt everything just going down a spiral. Then he started to think about the double date he had with Linda and how he felt around Iris. Not long after he remembered........ The Kiss. He kissed Iris but she has no clue it ever happened and that hurts him. He remembered how the kiss he's been waiting for, for 10 years and he'd never thought would happen...happened. He remembered how the kiss was so passionate, nothing but love and care in that kiss. It was so cold outside and he was so nervous but when that kiss happened he felt nothing but warmth and butterflies In his stomach. The fact that Iris felt the same made him feel complete. Because he didn't feel rejected anymore. The love of his life loved him back.

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