It all comes down to this.

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Barry was so close to crying. His throat started to hurt while his eyes stung. He felt so....weak. He surprisingly heard the door knob rattle and tried to hide the almost fallen tears from his eyes. When he looked up it was Iris. He felt so relieved and safe. As Iris asked "Bear, are you okay?" (In a really worried voice) As soon as Iris said that Barry broke down in tears he couldn't stop he curled up in a ball and just kept saying "No i'm not, I'm not". Iris immediately ran to his side and gave him a big hug and they just sat there and Barry's long arms hugged her tight and as he cried on her lap. Barry felt so safe and relieved all at once.
Iris felt so sad that he felt like this and just patiently waited for him to calm down a little. Until then she just comforted him without saying a word. She just held him tight and ran her fingers through her hair.
As Barry softly weeped on Iris's lap he felt her fingers through his hair and after about 5 minutes he started to calm down. As Barry looked up at Iris His face so sad and filled with tears and hers so caring and gentle heavenly he thought.
"Are you okay Bear?" ( Iris said in a gentle low voice). " Iris I'm sorry I just.......I just haven't been myself for a couple months now I guess" ( Barry said in a low, raspy, shy voice, while his head facing down) "Well... What do you mean Bear?" (Iris said in a soft tone) "Iris........I'm........scared" ( Barry said in a soft raspy voice as he starts to tear up again)
" Hey.... What is it bear you can tell me anything okay" (As Iris gently touches his cheek, she feels a tear fall down his face) Barry finally has the courage to look up and calms down a little more. "There's just all these memories and feelings of people from my job, my mother, my father, you." Barry realizes he mentioned Iris and felt embarrassed and his face fell back down. "It's okay Barry, ..... Look at me I know you, just tell me okay, don't feel uncomfortable around me." (As Iris said in a soft caring voice) Barry gives Iris a very short small smirk as a thank you. " I just feel that I can't be myself, I am just bottling everything in and it gets easier and easier to hide my feelings but sometimes it's just not worth the pain it brings" (As Barry says in a low voice) Iris just looks at him with such understanding. " Today was my breaking point I guess because when I saw you, and I don't mean to make you feel uncomfortable but (as he let out a puff of air) when I saw you I just it felt like home." (Barry's head went back on to staring at the floor.)

I Love You Barry!Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora