The End Of Summer

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As much as I wished I did I do not own any characters. All belong to will you should know. And if you don't why the bloody hell are you reading this?

James POV

"Ok so how about this Lilly did it hurt when you fell from heaven? Because if I didn't know any better you're an angel?" I asked my best friends in the world Sirius Black, Remus Lupin, and Peter Petigrew. It was a nice summer day we were sitting in the my backyard laying down watching the clouds.

Suddenly Remus burst out laughing "Only if you want her to smack you and reject you like everyother time you'e asked her out for the past 6 years" he replied.

"Fine, fine whatever" just then they heard a yell from inside "boys your hogwarts letters are here" yelled mom.

We all jumped up Remus, Peter, and Siruis ran in but I took my time lost in thought. Thinking only of one thing, Lilly Evans. Of course I could get any girl I wanted in the school. Will every girl but the one I despreatally wanted.

Her Amazing almond shape emerald green eyes, firey red hair, and quite a temper. She was perfect. I have tried everything within my power to get together with her for the last 6 years (everything short of a love potion) but she was the only person who seemed able to resist my charm. I ran inside and found 2 envolopes.

One was all my school supplies I needed but the other looked like the one in my 4th year when I had gotten my Quiditch Captin badge. I opened it and couldn't believe my eyes.

"Head Boy?" I said out loud.

Siruis started laughing as did the others and took the note. "What are you on" he stopped mid sentence then yelled "how in the devils name did James bloody Potter make Head Boy?"

"Head Boy oh James that is wonderful what do you want as a present?" I just stood there still in shock and ran up to my room. The boys followed.

"I thought it was going to be you Remus" I said out Loud. "Couldn't of. My furry little problem would've interfered with it" he said bitterly. We all knew how much he hated his problem and we did all we could to help but it was never enough. Just then a owl flew through my window and straight to Remus.

"It's from Lilly" imediatally I took the note and read it.

I just received a note and I am Head Girl. I hope your Head Boy. My sister had her pig if a boyfriend over for diner last night. He's evil I swear. Anyways I hope you are well and I will see you at Hogwarts.
Love, Lilly

"Will we know one thing. The Head Boy and Girl get to share a common room. Have fun James" Sirius smirked.

"Yes" I yelled doing a dance.

The next day we went to Diagon Ally. I got the new broom for a present as Head Boy. We walked around and visited all my favorite stores. My mom was ecstatic and I can get away with almost anything this summer.

It ended and I emerged on the platform for my 7th and final year. All 4 of us start talking on the train. Peter says "Don't you guys have to go to prefects and Head boy compartment?"

"Right you are Peter see you later" Remus said.

"Get Evans" Sirius yelled. "I'm planning on it. I showed up 5 minutes late. I saw her looking the other way. I opens the door.

"So Evans I guess we're partners." She looked at me like she couldn't believe I had the nerve to become Head Boy. Her face was quite hysterical.

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