Chapter 9

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I hadn't gotten much sleep last night after Lilly went up to her bed.

I went to my old dorm and told the boys everything that happened. I was ecstatic. I now just hoped I wouldn't mess this up.

No I'm determined to make this work. I went back and told my enchanted window Lillie's. I was so happy.

The next morning I got dressed and waited in our common room. "Hey Lillyflower" I told her and kissed her on the cheek "ready to go down to breakfast?" I asked. She nodded. I put out my arm and we walked down.

Everyone stared stunned that Lilly was not shouting at me but touching me willingly. We sat down with Sirius, Remus, Peter, Marlene, Alice. Things were still relatively silent and I'm sure it's about our relationship. Then I cast a spell that made my wand like a microphone spoke into it and said

"Hello everyone. As you know I've been perusing this lovely young red head for 7 years now and she has willingly agreed to go out with me. Thank you" and with that I sat back down Lilly trying to look mad but secretly amused.

When I sat back down everyone turned to their friends and started trading Gallons, Sickles, and Knuts. I smiled. "We'll Remus I called before the end of September 5 Gallons Moony" and with that we turned our attention to Remus who pulled out the money and handed it to Sirius.

I looked over and saw Lilly who was watching even the professors trading money.

"Did everyone bet on if we'd get together?" Lilly asked outraged. "Yes I think everyone did. Everyone knew James Potter never fails" I answered with a cocky grin on my face. "We'll see about that" she told me looking like she just made an inside joke.

After breakfast we said our goodbyes then she went to talk to her girlfriends.

My thoughts were solely on Lilly. I was planning a perfect date for us tonight. It was our first date as boyfriend and girlfriend and I wanted it to be perfect. When we got to lunch I told Lilly to be ready in our common room at 8:30 sharp tonight. She said she would be. I went down to the kitchen and the house elves supplied me with all the food I needed. I loved those guys. They're so awesome and cool. I went back to the common room. It was 8:30pm

When she came down she was breathtaking. She had on some blue eyeshadow with red lipstick. She had on a navy blue dress with a leather jacket. "Hello beautiful I told her and planted a kiss on her lips. "Hey sorry the girls went a little overboard with my makeup. Is it too much?"

She pulled away and asked. "No" I answered and it was true. "You look perfect, she blushed her cheeks turning as red as her hair.

"Where are we going?" She asked eyeing the picnic basket in my hand. I didn't say anything but I blindfolded her. "Now if I tell you that then it's not a surprise." She looked worry some which bothered me. "Hey I told her. Do you trust me?" I asked her keeping my voice light but I was scared of her answer.

After a bit she nodded. Relief flooded through me. "Good." I pulled my invisibility cloak and went through a secret passageway to Honey Dukes.

I went to a spot near Hogsmade and found a spot under the stars and moon. I lied out my blanket and took off her blindfold. "Wow it's beautiful. All these stars" she said lying on her back looking at the night sky. We ate and talked for a bit.

Then me being the cheesy guy I am added "those stars have nothing over you beautiful. You're the brightest star!"

"That was so cheesy but she leaned over and kissed me. I pulled her in the kiss deepening and we started snogging. This was perfect. Then because of my luck I had to ruin it. Of course. I put my hand up her shirt and attempted to unhook her bra.

She jumped back and that look she gave me. I had screwed this up. "What the hell Potter" she asked.

The renewed use of my surname stung worse then anything. "Did you really mean what you said or was this all just a scheme to get into my pants?" She whispered in a deadly voice.

Finding my voice I said "No I meant it. I really like you a lot. I just got carried away. I'm sorry. I didn't mean to rush you. If your not ready then I respect that" I told her the truth. Hoping she would believe me. "If I'm not ready?" She asked looking more curious now then mad. "You said if I'm not ready. Does that mean you are?" She asked.

I didn't want to answer this. But I knew I'd have too. "Yes." I told her my voice shaking slightly.

She looked shocked. "The truth is when we were snogging I thought about it and I realized I wanted to. I've wanted to for a while now. But I'm sorry. You're not ready and I shouldn't have tried to force that. Lilly I love you and just being with you is enough I don't want to make you do anything your not comfterable with. I'm sorry" and with that I looked her straight in the eyes hoping she could see I wasn't lying.

She was staring at me intently. I went over what I just told her. That's when I realized I told her I loved her. I do of course I just wanted it to be more special. "I believe you" she said and we just cuddled there. We went back to our own common room and I sat down thinking.

That's when I realized she never said it back. I told her I loved her. It shouldn't have bothered me. I tried not to let it. She just wasn't ready was my mantra. She will when she's ready. Maybe I scared her off.

The next day was Monday and I still had some food in my picnic so instead of going down I set up breakfast for 2 in our common room.

Hi y'all I'm back. Did you miss me? Sorry about this chapter. I'm home sick today so I thought is get some written done cause it relaxes me. I'm at 166 reads. I'm so happy😋. Let me know what you guys think. James screwed up a bit this chapter. And since I'm sick and have nothing else better to do I will start on the next chapter right away.

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