Chapter 13: The newest addition to the family

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A/N: I'm surprised that this has gotten this far like 13 chapters anywyas I love writing this, so on to this chapter.

Kakashi and Naruto had been thinking and thought it was time to make an addition to the family. The talked about it and set the date. 

The day had come faster than planned and Naruto couldn't help but be happy, he had gone shopping and got; candy, books, toys, and anything else that would be needed. He set up his old room and then got ready to go. 

They got to the adoption center and talked to their case worker, so they could meet the little one they would be adding to their family. 

Name: Fujikawa 

Age: 6 

Date of birth: 28 May Of 2016

Gender: Male

Fujikawa was the one who they could now call their son, they took him home and he told them they could call him Fuji since Fujikawa is long. Fuji asked them what he should call them and they simply told him that he could call Naruto Dad and Kakashi Papa. Naruto took his hand and should Fuji his room with all his toys, candy, books, and clothes. He looked up at Naruto and smiled and Naruto just simply smiled down at Fuji and nodded his head and Fuji ran to his bed. 

*that night* 

Kakashi and Naruto knew that Fuji would need for his last name to be changed to Hatake and he would need to be en-rolled in school. So that night they filed for Fuji's last name to be changed and en-rolled him in the Ninja School in the Leaf Village. 

*The next morning* 

That morning they woke Fuji up nice and early so he could take a bath and get ready for his first day at his new school. Fuji was excited to start school, they walked him to school and dropped him off at school. 

A/N: The next chapter with mostly be about Fujikawa and him making friends and why he was up for adoption. 

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