Part 1

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Y/n was with the frog brothers and her two brothers: Sammy and Michael. The frog brothers were planning on killing the lost boys which y/n didn't want at all.

Y/n secretly likes the four vampires and wanted to save them. Y/n had sunglasses on her face as Mike drove to the lost boy's cave.

She was afraid that Mike was going to fall asleep due to his half-vampire state. Y/n held onto the door handle when Michael took a sharp turn.

Mike stopped the car and parked. Y/n sighed and jumped out of the car. Sammy helped Michael out of the car. He was super weak.

Y/n followed after the frog brothers who seem too excited. It was weird seeing the cave in the daytime. The entrance had lots of signs that weren't comforting like "Danger", "Do not enter" and "Loose rocks unsafe conditions".

Y/n walked into the cave and the others followed after her. They went into the cave and y/n went down the slope.

"Holy shit!" Edgar exclaimed looking around the cave. "Vampire hotel!" Alan yelled. Y/n looked around the cave and see Marko's birds flying around making noise.

The two hunters rushed to Star's bed. They tried to stake her but Michael yelled at them clearly protective over the girl.

"You stay away from her!" Mike yelled at them grabbing a vine to help him down the slope. Sam helped Mike down.

"Come on. Vampires have such rotten tempers!" Edgar yelled. Y/n rolled her eyes. Sam freaked out when he saw something on his shoulder.

Y/n giggled behind her hand "shut up!" Sam told her playfully pushing y/n. "Just be careful little bro," she told Sam.

"I feel a draft! I think there's something up here!" Alan yelled. Y/n and Sam looked at him. Michael was talking with sleepy Star.

Y/n was determined to protect the four vampires, so she went after the two frogs. Y/n, Sam, and the frog brothers went into the tunnel.

Y/n felt panicked when going into the small space. She was claustrophobic. It didn't help she was behind Edgar.

"Move Alan move!" Edgar yelled sounding impatient. Y/n wanted to get out of here! One she has Edgar's butt in her face and two to get out of the small space.

The two frog brothers jumped down. Y/n jumped down and sighed in relief. "What's that smell?" Sam asked with a look of disgust.

"Vampires my friend," Edgar told Sam placing his hand on Sam's shoulder. Y/n was confused and couldn't smell what her brother was smelling.

Y/n just smells the lost boy's manly and intoxicating scent. Their scents were relaxing and has a calming effect on her. 

Y/n, Sam, and the frog brothers dropped down at the end of the tunnel. Sam and Alan helped y/n down after she tripped. Y/n was getting squashed by Edgar "they must have put their coffins someplace" Edgar said looking around the place.

Y/n couldn't see anything at all especially no coffins here. Sammy screamed when he looked up and the others screamed too.

Y/n looked up to see the four vampires sleeping upside down. Y/n thought they looked adorable sleeping.  She was staring at the four vampires when suddenly a pain hit her foot. "Ow!" y/n exclaimed when Edgar stepped on her foot.

"You're on my foot Edgar!" she told him. "Sorry," he told her but he didn't seem sorry. Y/n got closer to Sam away from the red bandana teen.

"I thought they were supposed to be in coffins?!" Sam exclaimed. "That's what this cave is- one giant coffin," Edgar said.

Edgar started climbing some kind of ladder "right now they are at the most vulnerable" Edgar said. Y/n felt panicked.

They were getting too close to Marko. "Remember we just need to kill the leader huh?" Sam said. "We don't know which one is the leader," Alam said looking at the two Emersons.

Y/n froze and instantly thought of David.. She looked at David. He had his hands on his chest and he looked peaceful. It was weird to see David like this. He looked adorable!

"I guess we just have to kill them all," Edgar said. Y/n sighed and rubbed her temple he is stupid to think they can kill them all

The lost boys were powerful and no way two teens can kill four vampires. "Start with the little one," Alan said.

Y/n got tensed and heard her heart start pounding against her chest. Flight and fight hit y/n. She was ready to defend Marko if she has to. 

"First come, first staked," Alan said. "What was that? Little vampire humor?" Sam asked not amused. "It wasn't funny!" y/n said in a not happy voice.

Alan gave Edgar a long stake "oh my god.." Sam mumbled looking at the hanging vampires. Y/n's thoughts were racing as she thinks of a plan to save Marko.

Edgar raised the stake towards Marko's chest. "Sammy we must stop them!" y/n whispered to her little brother sounding scared.

Sam looked at her "no! Don't even!" Sam yelled to Edgar. Edgar ignored Sammy and aimed the stake at Marko's heart.

Edgar was about to stake Marko when y/n screamed "Marko!!!". Sam and y/n gasped covering her mouth. Everyone froze.

Edgar missed and staked Marko in the stomach. Marko cried out in pain causing the others to wake up. They roared in rage at the frog brothers.

They all sounded pissed off. The frog brothers fell off the ladder. They landed on Sam. Y/n helped Sam up. "Your dead meat!" David roared out, his voice echoed throughout the secret room.

Y/n felt afraid of David. Edgar glared at y/n and pushed her to the ground. Sam, Edgar, and Alan started running out of the secret room.

Alan rushed to y/n and helped her up forcing her to run. David flipped off the pole and landed on his feet. 

Sam looked behind him with his flashlight. David snarled at them not realizing y/n was with them. He flashed his fangs at them.

They rushed out of the tunnel. Y/n made it out of the tunnel landing in the main room. She was about to help Alan out of the tunnel when David grabbed Sam's foot.

Sammy screamed. Alan and Edgar rushed to grab Sam. They try to pull Sam away from the angry vampire.

Y/n tried to help but the frog brothers were moving too much, pushing her backwards. "Get him in the sunlight!" Alan yelled. 

The frog brothers pulled onto Sam harder and pulled him into the sun. David screamed when the sun touched his hand and burned him. 

The frog brothers pulled Sam out of the tunnel and started running off. Y/n stayed behind looking at David scream in pain.

Smoke came from his hand. Y/n wanted to comfort him but stayed in her spot. David then sees y/n and had betrayal in his eyes looking at y/n. A tear went down his cheek.

"I-I'm sorry" she whispered. "Y/n! We need to go!" Sammy screamed for his sister when he realized she wasn't behind them.

Y/n gave David one last look and ran off. She ran out of the cave to the car. Y/n got in the car and decided to drive since Michael was past out with Star and Laddie. Y/n and the others left the lost boys area, taking off to the Emerson house.

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