12 - Voodoo Child

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Book: Marshall Twins
Chapter 12
Word Count: 1749

Klaus walked toward the door of the Abattoir to leave, but Avery stepped in his way.


"I know that look. You need something." Klaus realised. "Whatever it is, it can wait. I'm off to talk to Marcel."

"We need to talk about Hope and Miracle's futures." Avery sighed.

"They're seven. We're their parents." Klaus reminded. "Hope and Miracle will go where we go."

"Klaus, we need to have a very real conversation about what's best for them." Avery rolled her eyes. That was when Klaus noticed Elijah (who'd recently been woken up, thanks to Freya and the death of the Hollow) standing nearby.

"Yes, there are a couple of conversations that need to happen, but we're late." Klaus then walked out of the compound. Avery turned and finally saw Elijah.

They looked at each other awkwardly for a moment, but Avery walked away before Elijah could utter a word.


Hope was sitting on her bed in front of a blank piece of paper and crayons, when Avery entered the room and headed over to her.

"Hey, sweetie. Drawing something?"

"Yes." Hope muttered. Avery peered down at the blank piece of paper.

"What's that supposed to be? A snowstorm?" No answer. "So, now that all this trouble's behind us, I thought that we could have a chat about what happens next. I know that you and Miracle want to have a normal life with friends, and school, and art, and sports, and..." Avery cut herself off, noticing Hope's distant expression. "Hey. You okay?"

"I'm fine." Hope responded.

"Hope, if you're worried about the Hollow, don't be. Everything's okay now, I promise." Avery reassured.

"Can I go back to my drawing?" Hope asked.

"Sure, yeah." Avery got up and left, but not before taking Hope's hairbrush with her. She saw Miracle about to enter the room. Seeing her mom exiting the room, Miracle looked up at Avery.

"Mom, where's dad?"

"Gone to talk with Marcel, he'll be back soon." Avery informed. "Are you okay?"

"Yeah, I'm okay." Miracle smiled. Avery touched Miracle's forehead with the back of her hand, then smiled once she noticed nothing out of the ordinary.

"Just checking. I'll come to check on you soon, honey." Avery then walked off. Miracle walked into her room and hurried over to sit beside Hope on her bed.

"Wanna go explore?"

"No." Hope snapped without looking over from the blank piece of paper.

"Okay..." Miracle frowned, hurt. She narrowed her eyes suspiciously at Hope, knowing that something was wrong.


Avery was standing on the outside balcony when Rebekah walked out toward her.

"Let me guess. Elijah?"

"Things between us are complicated." Avery sighed.

"Well, that's a word often used to describe my brother. But his feelings for you are quite simple. He adores you, Ave." Rebekah told.

"I know that." Avery replied. "And I know the sacrifices he's made for me, for this family."

"He's saved us all at various times." Rebekah pointed out. 

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