Groceries and First Kisses - Egon x Reader

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The pair of Janine and Y/N trudged through the snow covered sidewalk, hoping to make it to work on time. Even though the phone lines were down due to the massive storm blowing through the city. "You ought to see the way he looks at you, it's like a lost puppy." Janine stated, breaking the silence. "Wait, what? Who?" Y/N returned, not listening to what Janine had been saying before that point. "Egon. God, you're so oblivious." Janine said.

Y/N's eyes went wide in disbelief. "No i'm not-" she started to say before getting cut off by another powerful blast of wind, which made a bit if snow hit her in the face. "Ugh, shit!" She yelped, not expecting the snow. 'only one more block' she told herself. The women continued to make small talk as they walked faster.

Soon enough they made it to the firehouse, quickly stepping inside and making their way to their own separate places where they were needed. Janine sat at her desk as Y/N made her way up to the kitchen. As she walked into the kitchen, she was met with the smell of coffee and the sight of Egon sitting at the teams small dining table.

He looked like he hadn't any the night before, most likely stayed in the lab working. "Good morning, Y/N." He said, bringing her out of her thoughts. "Morning E." she responded. "I went on a food run before the storm got too bad." He stood up and walked to where there were a few more grocery bags left on the counter.

Y/N looked quizzically at the man in front of her. He hummed as he pulled out a small tube of pink lip gloss. He turned to face her. "I remembered you saying you needed more, so i figured I would get you some." He handed her the lipgloss, their hands brushing. "Thank you Egon." Y/N said after a moment. They stood there for a moment before Y/N broke the silence. "I'll go ahead and try it." she walked over to their bathroom. Egon followed a few steps before stopping.

Y/N twisted the top of the lipgloss and applied it in a few swift motions. She looked at herself for a few seconds before slowly breathing out and walking back towards where Egon was standing. "what do you think?" Y/N said, not sure of herself. The taller man stood there for a moment, trying to think of what to say. He didn't know how to tell her how beautiful she was. Or how amazing she is at everything she does. "Egon?" she said, noticing his face as he got lost in thought.

"I'm going to ask you something, its going to sound weird but i just need to ask."
he paused, looking at her. "Can i kiss you?" he asked, hope in his eyes. Y/N didn't answer at first, but after a second she grabbed the collar of his shirt and pulling his lips to her own. He tasted like coffee and twinkies and something else she couldn't quite place. It was light and soft, it felt like home to her. This is when she realized how in love she was with the man in front of her. His hand went to cup her cheek as her arms draped over his shoulders.

They stayed like this for a few more seconds before pulling away. The pair stood in silence before Y/N giggled softly. "What?" Egon asked.
"My lipgloss is on your lips." She replied, a smile creeping to her face. He let out a chuckle at the remark as she lifted her hand snd wiped the lipgloss off with the pad of her thumb.

"Got it."
Hey guys!! this was requested by brokelgbtcosplay I hope you like it!

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