Frozen Hugs - Peter x reader

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A/N: Idk why all the ghostbusters stuff i've written has had something to do with groceries, but it works.
warnings: idk nothing really, this is rlly cute. also ik the title sucks i couldnt think of what to name this lmao

The cold air flew through the door and into the room as it was slammed behind you. Taking off your heavy winter coat and trying not to drop the many grocery bags in your hands. You walked up the stairs to the fireplace, where the rest of the guys would no doubt be.

"Guys i'm back!" You yell, as you make it to the top of the steps. "Hey y/n." Ray replies as you carry the grocery bags in your hands to the kitchen. You quickly placed them on the counter and turned to unpack them as someone grabs you from behind.

You quickly turn around to see none other than your boyfriend, Dr. Peter Venkman. "Hey Pete." You say as you kiss his cheek, swiftly turning back to the bags on the counter. "Hey honey, want some help?" he asks, not waiting for a response before walking to be beside you and emptying a few of the bags.

The two of you quickly finish, Peter making a (usually bad) joke every few minutes. You hadn't stopped shivering since you came in, due to how mad the cold is outside. "Babe?" you say, he responds a quick "Yea?" before you ask, "Can I have a hug?" He looks at you curiously before nodding. You bury your head in his chest and wrap your arms around his waist.

"Jesus Christ you're cold." He exclaims before wrapping his arms around you and resting his chin on your head. His eyes close as you both stand there in silence for what seems like forever. "Ya know, you give really good hugs." you mutter. "I do, huh?" he replied teasingly.

"Yea." you say. Both of you stood there for a few more minutes. You thought you were alone, but unbeknownst to you, Ray and Janine were standing just out of view with a polaroid camera and smirks lining their faces. They would of course use this as blackmail later, but they let you be for now.
This was requested by @ThatEChickenNugget
hope you like it!!

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 29, 2022 ⏰

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