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Light peeked out from its hiding spot by the window, uncertain as to whether or not it was allowed to enter, and upon seeing that there was space for it, only crept inside a little bit. The light caressed the smooth, flawless face of a beautiful girl with silky white hair that could easily be mistaken for silk upon first glance. Tired pumpkin eyes had been revealed as heavy eyelids slowly allowed them entry to the outside world. A delicate hand slowly rose from where it rested against the plush surface of the bed to shield her eyes from the sudden light that entered her vision. A noise of protest escaped from her throat as she slowly sat up and ushered her body to rise from where it laid for the past few hours.

Strands of white entered her vision as she glanced around her nearly empty room, spotting the last two boxes that needed to be packed up and her uniform hanging on the door to her bathroom. A heavy sigh left her as she remembered the call she had received from Rintaro about packing all of her things up earlier in the week so that Ema wouldn't have to interact with her or have to pack her things up for her. She didn't understand his reasoning nor had she cared, as long as he left her alone she didn't care about his reason. With that thought in mind, she trotted into her bathroom to get dressed as she had a big day ahead of her.

She entered the bathroom, going about her normal morning routine, getting dressed and applying light makeup to her eyes to make them appear more cat-like and confident, and to cover up her eye bags so as to not bring any unnecessary attention to herself. The last thing she needed was for her peers or teachers to question her about taking care of herself. She was in her third year, if there was one thing she knew very well. It was that she needed to keep herself as healthy as she could, attend class and graduate so that she could carve out her own future. She shook her head to rid herself of such thoughts to pack up her makeup box and collect her sleepwear to pack up in the last of her boxes. She had placed them in their proper places and proceeded to pack up what was left of her bedding before taping them shut. Thankfully, they were marked before she had packed them full of her belongings so there wouldn't be any confusion as to where they needed to go.

Her only obstacle now was to get them outside to the early movers and past Ema before she got up for school. She checked the time on her phone and mentally cheered that Ema wouldn't be up for another 30 minutes as she lifted the last of her bathroom box to take outside. It was a little heavy, but it was manageable as she was able to climb down the stairs with little difficulty. Now the issue was opening the front door before the moving people tried ringing the doorbell. Sometimes she was lucky to be able to get to the door before they could knock or set the alarm off, and other times it woke Ema up and she had to leave right then. Those times weren't fun as more often than not, she forgot something vital for school that day. But not this time. She was determined to get out before they could even get within three feet of the front door, opening the door with an authority that she normally lacked in most social situations.

Only to come face to face with a surprised male in the company coveralls he was obligated to wear.

A light hue colored her normally pale face as she realized how this must have appeared to him. Her throat clenched and seized up, preventing her from saying what she so desperately wanted to yet she stood there, an embarrassed hue on her shell shocked face. She clenched her eyes shut, mentally cursing at herself for being so awkward and anxious in social settings. Why couldn't she just be normal? Now this complete stranger was thinking that she was a weirdo!

"Um, is this box being loaded up with the rest?" at the male's voice she thought she saw her savior, and nodded her head frantically. She moved the box closer towards him so that he could take it from her and put it with the rest of her belongings. "Alright, I can take this from you. Will you need help with anything else?" he asked as he gently pried the box out of her hands.

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