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Two hours into their club activities, just as Hatori predicted, half of the club left early. Though after 30 minutes of the twins losing to either Hatori, Yusuke or the other members of the Dice Club, Hatori decided to call it for the day. It was 17:30 by the time they were done, and as per the club's rule the losers of the day had to clean up the club room while the winners got to leave before the losers could try and convince them to stay for longer than necessary. Today's losers were Kioko and Koizumi who grumbled as they wiped down the tables and began to mop the floors, upset that a noob like Yusuke had managed to best them. 

Hatori offered the both of them a sympathetic smile and wave as she left the room with her bag over her shoulder. . The sun was lowering itself from where it lay in the sky, making a beautiful display similar to flowers blossoming under the light of summer's rays as the sun had it's exit on the horizon. When Hatori glanced out the window to see the blur of colors, she couldn't help but become captivated. She stopped in her tracks and watched the sun set, a wave of warmth washed over her as she saw the sun wave a good day to the world as it departed.


A sudden call caused her to turn away from the window to see Yusuke rushing to catch up to her. Curiosity overcame her as she watched him come to a stop in front of her to catch his breath, wondering what he was calling her for. He had bent over slightly as his lungs greedily began to refill themselves with oxygen. Once he was certain that he was functioning properly, Yusuke stood up straight and locked eyes with Hatori. "On your way home, Senpai? I'll walk with you I guess."

Hatori felt a surge of anxiety course through her veins at his words and shook her head, frantically waving her hands as if to try and persuade him that he didn't need to do that. A strained smile stretched across her lips as she felt sweat drip down the back of her neck at the suspicious expression on Yusuke's face at her blatant refusal.

"Are you sure? It wouldn't be a huge inconvenience if I walked you home, Senpai." Yusuke huffed lightly as he allowed a small smirk to grace his face at the flustered expression on her face. "It's getting dark and who knows what kind of creeps will be lurking around?"

Hatori paused and thought about the logic in his statement. It was true. It was getting dark, and for a girl in a high school uniform to be walking around in the dark nights of Japan, it would draw lots of unnecessary and unwanted attention towards herself. Especially since so many people were sexualizing high school students, female students were often the targets.

There was also the new factor of finding out where the Sunrise Residence was and the best route to get there from the school. So there should be no problem in allowing Yusuke to accompany her. With her mind made up, she turned to Yusuke and nodded her head lightly. 

Yusuke internally cheered and patted himself on the back. It wasn't everyday that the Senpai you looked up to gave you her undivided attention, but now he was able to walk her home? How could this possibly get any better?

"Awesome. So, what's your address?" Yusuke asked, trying to not sound as intrigued as he watched her pull a piece of paper from a small pocket in her bag, offering it to him. He accepted it, curious as to where she lived and if it would be possible for him to begin to walk her to school to see her more often. Though when his eyes landed on his own address, he nearly choked on his own saliva and felt his heart drop to his stomach.


There was no way.

How is it possible for her to have lived in the same building as him? Wouldn't he have run into her already? It would be damn near impossible for him to miss her, as he is actively searching for her often.

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