- nightmare -

33 1 0

I feel like i'm not ready for this, ready for this new chapter of my life, not ready for the people and the shit that comes with it. The plot twists, the emotional pain or the parts where i'm laid in my room wrapped up like an overdramatic toddler, who's moping around because some boy gave me cooties and none of my friends will even look at me.

I'm sat on the train to Hogwarts as of now, and to be fair, i'm glad that this became my ticket to leave home. Things are getting darker as the arise of the Dark Lord is drawing nearer.
                                                  - - -
Arriving at Hogwarts, we're guided into small, rickety wooden boats, groups of three, to ensure our body weight does not cause us to walk in for our sorting ceremony looking like wet rats.

As i'm looking for a boat to sit in, i'm dragged into the distance by a blonde haired boy and pushed towards a better looking boat.. one with a silver exterior and green slytherin emblem carved into the thick varnished timber

As i take a seat next to a rather chubby boy, a small fake cough escapes the boy with blonde hair who greeted me on earlier. I look at him, cocking an eyebrow and waiting for him to speak.

"Hi, i'm Malfoy, Draco Malfoy" he states, a small smile filling his squishy cheeks as a small blush encases his face, a hand held out Infront of my face. "We know each other Draco" I quip, refusing his shake.

The silence becomes deafening..

"Don't you think it's strange how this boat is made of Timber?" I ask, looking up whilst biting my nails.

"Why would it be strange?" he questions whilst sliding his finger alongside the boat.

"Because Timber expands in humidity and also when wet..  what if a screw got loose whilst it shrinks back to size and then the humidity increased again?" as i sat theorising my wonders, I hear a sigh escape his mouth and see him rolling his eyes.

"aren't you a little.. dull?" he drones, clicking his tongue.

Aren't you a little rude for someone who got excited about an arranged marriage with me?


Does he just not remember? What if he doesn't want to? Did I do something i don't remember?

I sigh as I unpack my trunk, throwing my robes, shirts my name  into my wardrobe, humming lightly..

~ Theres somethin' wrong with this world, i feel it comin' on.. and contradictions take their toll, is that where we went wrong? and something struck me, it struck me deep, it knocked me to my kne-~

" What ya hummin?" a squeaky voice interrupts.

Turning around to see who the voice belongs to, I'm greeted by a small, raven haired girl who also had a sly smirk on her tense features.

"Oh, just thing song by a Muggle guy, he goes by djo-"

"I couldn't give a shit about what bands you listen to Pewter, I'm just here to tell you, that me and some other Slytherin boys are gathering here for a sesh, so you can either get the fuck out, or join us." she smiles arrogantly, a sickly sweet look coating her pale face.

"I think I'll pass, thanks for the offer though uhm..?"

"Oh, shit.. forgot to introduce myself, how rude of me, I'm Pansy.. Pansy Parkinson" she recites almost making me find her to be patronising.

"oh, well it was nice to meet you.. Pansy.. I'll be heading off."

Grabbing my favourite brick of a book, i walk out of my room and head towards the leather sofa's in the common room.


Bustling into the common room, a group of boys, laughing and jeering as they push through the entrance and clammer into the once quiet space that blessed this room.

"Are you going to Pansy's dorm tonight Zabini? Pucey, Crabbe, Goyle and Nott all said they'll tag along" Malfoy retorts, snorting as he looks over towards me as I pretend to have my head buried in my book.

All of a sudden, its yanked from my hands and his pale fingers flip through the pages, with so much aggression yet gentleness in his touch.

"What bullshit are you busy reading Miss I think wood is interesting?" he chortles as he throws my book back on my lap and bends down to my height.

I keep my mouth sealed as I just stare into his grey orbs as he waits looking for an answer, i start to see impatience flicker in his eyes.

Slowly he moves towards me, a hand resting to the side of my head, and the other on top of my thigh, he moves forward and puts his head at the side of my head and whispers in my ear:

"I asked you a question Nexie, isn't it rude to ignore your future husband?"

Hi, sorry it's taken so long to update this, let me know what you think of this version!!

- Bye bye.. cookie <3

 𝐖𝐡𝐢𝐭𝐞 𝐑𝐨𝐬𝐞𝐬 - D.MWhere stories live. Discover now