Day 15: Brit's Life Science Textbook

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Brit: this is so gross!!
Olaf: what is?
Brit: my new textbook
Olaf: what subject?
Brit: Life Science and this is about animals
Olaf: what's gross about it?
Brit: the pictures inside of it
Olaf: how gross are they?
Brit: pretty gross
Olaf: can I see a picture?
Brit: ok... But I don't think you'll like it
(She shows him a picture of a diagram of a chicken egg with the embryo inside)
Olaf: oh.... (Wrieded out) I'm never eating eggs again
Brit: me too
Elsa: hi... What's wrong with you two?
Both: look
Elsa: (she looks and said...) that is gross but their are grosser things then that
Brit: like what?
Elsa: a baby developing
Brit: your right and especially it being born (shivers)
Olaf: what's so gross about that?
Elsa: Olaf, if you want to know then look it up
Olaf: ok
(20 minutes later)
Olaf: why did you tell me to look it up?!
Elsa: what?
Olaf: baby!
Elsa: oh my god! I'm so sorry and I didn't mean to tell you to look it up
Brit: Elsa, why did you tell him to look it up?
Elsa: what happened?
Brit: he looked it up then made me watch and I know that stuff I learned it in the 5 grade and now I don't want to have kids
Elsa: oh come on!
Olaf: me eater
Elsa: Olaf, your a snowman
Olaf: oh yeah... Well I'm going to try to get that image out of my head (walks away)
Brit: me too
Elsa: hold on Brit
Brit: wwhhhaaaattttt????
Elsa: if you know that stuff then why are you grossed out
Brit: I didn't see the stuff I just saw! When I was in 5 grade learned the basics of my body
Elsa: ok, now I get it
Brit: good! Now I'm going to watch spongebob
Elsa: wait
Brit: what?
Elsa: that stuff is natural
Brit: no duh!
Elsa: Brit, you're acting like a dumb teen girl
Brit: so?
Elsa: so if you keep acting like this you can ruin your life
Brit: how? How can I ruin my life?
Elsa: you can get pregnant
Brit: ok, that is a good way to ruin my life
Elsa: anyway this is natural stuff and it might be gross but it's beautiful at the same time
Brit: yeah and besides I'll be looking at it until the book ends
Elsa: good
Brit: well, I'm going to watch spongebob
Elsa: ok bye
Brit: bye

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