Super Bowl

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I had a full day and I'm excited about the Super Bowl so here's a chapter about it. That's my baby cousin Adrain and he has a part in this chapter so you know.

Anna: YEAH!! GO PANTHERS!!  -She's wearing a Panthers jersey and she has the black stripes on her cheeks-

Hans: Anna, the game is for like 8 hours and the Broncos are going to win. -He's wearing a Broncos jersey-

Anna: How do you know?

Elsa: You two calm down and so it's fair I'm hoping the Panthers are going to win -She's wearing a Panthers jersey too-

Kristoff: I'm hoping the Broncos are going to win -He's wearing a Broncos jersey too-

Olaf: I don't understand football so I'm going to go with whatever team is winning

Anna: ok

Brit walks in dressed in a purple flannel, light blue jeans, and black boots and everyone asks who's she hoping will win.

Hans: Brit, who are you hoping will win?

Brit: Panthers

Elsa/Anna: Yes!

Kristoff: Brit, why are you dressed up?

Brit: I'm going to my baby cousin Adrain's christening and I have to leave now so bye

Anna: bye

Brit leaves though a portal and to Britney's house then they leave to go to the church.

~After the service~

Brit goes to get a picture of Adrain and he looks half out of it.

Brit: He looks half look of it

Adrain's Godfather: Yeah he does

Brit: But so adorable

After they leave and get Adrain a card and Brit finds one that is short and sweet. Than they go to the restaurant for the party and they eat and Brit gets more pictures of Adrain. And when everyone is leaving Brit gets to hold Adrian one more time but he cry's. Then they go home and set up for a Super Bowl that Anna, Elsa, Hans, Olaf, Kristoff, Marco, Star, Erica, Darren, Cody, Carlos, and Riley are going to.

~After the game~

The boys are cocky because the Broncos won and the Panthers lost. Then everyone goes home and sleep.

Hope you all watched the Super Bowl and had fun! Keep Calm and Read On

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