Chapter 3

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After 2 weeks, you and Eddie had gotten quite close. In your first cafe meeting, you had explained to him your problem and how you needed to expose the doctor for what he had done. Eddie seemed uneasy throughout the entire conversation but eventually agreed to help you.

Meeting after meeting, though, you realized the conversations started going away from the original topic more frequently. In fact, you learned a lot about him and he about you. He had been engaged to his fiance until he made a mistake and she broke off the wedding. You agreed that was pretty harsh. After the first week, the cafe started getting a bit far, so you decided to meet at his apartment. You weren't very closer to finding dirt on the doctor, but Eddie's company was quite enjoyable. You noticed that he would occasionally act odd, though, like zoning out and saying things randomly, but you dismissed it.

By the 3rd week, you were chatting like old friends.

"And then, I found out he was actually a doctor. Can you believe that?"

You aimed for a laugh, but you honestly hadn't been paying attention. You seemed awfully lightheaded.

"Y/N, are you good?" Eddie asked, concerned.

"Yeah, yeah, just-" you muttered, wobbly a little in your chair. You tried to stand up and collapsed.

Eddie's expression drooped as he caught you before you hit the ground. You always wondered how his reaction speed was so fast. He swooped you up and was about to place you on the couch when he looked at you funny.

"Oh, God, you're right," he said to no one in particular. You didn't say anything because you felt as if you were burning up.

Suddenly, you heard a voice. But it was a voice in your head. It was raspy, different.

"I told you I sensed something funny." it hissed.

"There's nothing funny, she's sick, what would be funny about that?" Eddie whispered sharply. He was trying to put a cold rag on your head.

You didn't open your eyes. "Is there someone else here?" you asked, your voice shaky.

"No, nobody but me, you're okay." Eddie soothed.

Suddenly the heat you felt got hotter until it was excruciating. You groaned in pain.

"Eddieeee!" The voice warned.

Eddie's eyes got wide, and he fumbled before deciding whether to grab you or not. You couldn't see it, but your body was glowing bright red, and you were sinking into the couch, melting it.

"Don't! If that's fire, she can hurt us." the voice hissed.

"I don't care, and I don't know what the heck is happening. Just do it." Eddie shot back. You were convinced someone else was in the room now, so you gently opened your eyes. Nobody else was in the room, but when you looked at Eddie, you saw a large black goop starting to overtake him. He must've seen you because he muttered, "oh, great" in the same voice you had heard in your head.

He scooped down and picked you up, grimacing as you felt your skin seethe the top layer of his slightly. With you in his arms, he walked over to the front window.

"We've got to get you out of here."

And with that, he jumped out of the window. 

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 13, 2022 ⏰

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