Chapter 3

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As the dreams were going on, George felt an emptiness inside him. His dreams included too much of his best friends. He didn't want them to end up like his father. He tried to control his dreams. He didn't touch any weapons his friends offered him, he was standing away from any possible danger that could lead to death. DreamXD became more present in his dreams too. Trying to pick up flowers with him, instead of playing tag in the fields with his friends. Showing him his powers of creation and destruction, instead of building a fort to protect themselves from mobs. As if the god was stealing him from his friends.

George was drawn to him like a moth drawn to light. Each time DreamXD appeared, George left whatever activity he was doing in his dream and followed the god. DreamXD appeared a lot more in his dreams since their last in world conversation. George didn't mind. It was almost like being with Dream, but omnipotent and not Dream. DreamXD showed him the wonders of the world. All the Nether, the mushroom fields, the ocelots and the wild wolves, the parrots and the turtles, the underwater and the Guardian's lair. All things George could've done with his friends if they weren't occupied with war and battles and violence and politics. DreamXD even let him see the world in colours. He could barely see the range of colours in the real world. He was amazed by how colourful everything was. He could actually see green and differentiate purple from blue.

He always left with DreamXD, in his dreams. He barely saw his best friends anymore, whether it was in the real world or in dreams. He didn't know Karl went to check on him a few times, making sure the house had fresh food and fresh water. He didn't know Hannah passed by to clean his garden before building her bank. He didn't know Sapnap killed any mobs that would come close to his little house during the night. He also didn't know that none of them needed to do that. DreamXD made sure George was always safe, always healthy and had the right nutrients. He couldn't do anything for the garden, so he left it. Eventually, no one visited him. Eventually, weeks passed and DreamXD was still taking care of him. George was content.

Until one day, he dreamt of Dream. DreamXD was nowhere to be found. It was him and Dream, sitting on the edge of a cliff. The night sky illuminated with a thousand stars, needed no light to see around. They weren't scared of mobs. They ate mobs for breakfast. Dream was humming a tune while George kicked his legs back and forth. Their fingers were almost touching. It was a nice silence, filled with a slight out of tune humming and beats of ankles hitting the cliff.

"George," Dream called.

George turned to look at him. He couldn't decipher the colours on his face. Even with natural light, it was mostly shadows. Dream wasn't looking at him. He pointed to the horizon.

"One day, all of this is gonna be ours," he promised. George had a sense of déjà vu. He couldn't  figure out why. "All the sun and the stars touch, we're gonna have it. We're gonna explore every inch of this world and make our mark for everyone to see."

George nodded. He liked that idea.

"We can't forget to bring Sapnap," George laughed.

Dream joined in. "Yeah, we'll need our trusty pandas to do the hard work."

George bursted out of laughter. Dream was wheezing beside him.

What a dumbass, George thought. He smiled warmly at Dream. Dream smiled back. Their fingertips were touching. Nobody flinched away.

"Sometimes, I wonder if it's your pretty boy privileges that make me want to tackle you in the dirt and look like we've kissed."

George scoffed and shoved Dream playfully.

"And sometimes, I wonder if it's your freckles that make me want to punch you in the face."

Dream gasped dramatically, looking all hurt.

"Are my freckles really that unappealing?"

"Oh yeah, totally. Makes me wonder what people see in you."

"And what do you see in me?" asked Dream, eyebrow raised and a smirk plastered on his face.

George rolled his eyes. "I'd probably see a heart, with lungs and lots of intestines. Probably a couple of bones too—"

"Argh, you're no fun," Dream shoved him.

George laughed. Their fingers were laced together now. George looked down. The moonlight blued their hands, like a spotlight. Dream squeezed his fingers. George looked up and saw Dream's smile. Without realizing it, he got closer to Dream's face. The puff of air landed on his nose. He scrunched up his nose and exhaled a laugh. Dream's other hand cupped his cheeks and George leaned in on the touch. They were close now. They were so close. Prime, George missed him so much.

Without a warning, somebody shook him. He woke up with a gasp. He looked around and saw Dream at his bed. Dream with his mask on. Dream looming over him. Or was it Dream? Maybe it was DreamXD. Maybe this was a dream in a dream. George couldn't tell. He didn't like this.

"Hey Georgie," Dream smirked.

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