Chapter Six

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I knew I shouldn't have said that.

"A while ago," Dahyun murmured, moving a little closer to Sana on the couch. "You said someone had agreed to take you to Lake Geneva," she pursed her lips, wondering if asking about something like that was too personal. "I'm just intrigued; if you don't want to discuss it, that's fine."

"It was a previous relationship," Sana said immediately, her grin clearly insincere.

"I see," the pale girl said, nodding her head. She wasn't surprised in the least. Sana is stunning, and it seemed unfathomable to Dahyun that no one had ever appreciated her before. "An ex-boyfriend," she tried to confirm.

"Yeah," Sana replied. Later, chuckling, she continued, "He was an absolute asshole, though."

"May I question as to why?"

"Nothing special. Just..." Sana hesitated, experiencing the same anguish as she remembered what had happened. "He was interested in dating someone like me," she explained. "And then when he realized he didn't enjoy it any longer-"

"He left?" Dahyun assumed, and the other person agreed. "Did he have any other romances?"

"He was still in love with his first girlfriend," Sana said. "The one he complained a lot about, saying she's not treating him well and all that." She couldn't help but chuckle in astonishment, still unable to believe how that man was so skilled at convincing her that he was done with that relationship. Sana was deceived quite well right there.

"I've never been in a relationship before," Dahyun stated flatly. "That's why I don't know what to say to you; I have no idea how to console you because I don't know what heartbreak feels like."

Sana nodded, finding it endearing that Dahyun tells her things like this. "But how come you've never been in one?" she wondered, noting the teenager's apparent attractiveness. Anyone would have assumed so.

"Probably because I haven't encountered someone worthy of such a sweetheart as me yet?" Dahyun bragged, winking at Sana, who merely rolled her eyes. She snarled, "You're no fun."

"You do understand I'm truly interested in it, don't you?"

"How are you even interested in the fact that I have always been single? That's pretty weird."

"I think you're too cute for that," Sana muttered, making it difficult for the other to hear.


"I said maybe you're right," she remarked before rising to her feet. "You're quite tough to reach, such a sweetheart," Sana remarked sarcastically, straining her eyes and gently shaking her head.

Dahyun couldn't stop laughing. She enjoys how easily Sana may become irritated. It piques her curiosity in the girl even more. "Yeah, it's hard being me," she said, only to be disregarded by the other.

"Who gave you that?" Sana asked, noticing a cartoon human-shaped pillow on the mattress. She climbed up on the bed and picked it up without hesitation. "This one," she said before sitting back down.

Dahyun followed Sana to bed, now sitting much closer to her. "I don't know why my brother gave it to me," she replied, somewhat smiling as she looked at the pillow. Sana impulsively raised it next to Dahyun's face.

"Is it just me, or it does look like you?" Sana asked herself, turning her attention from the pillow to Dahyun simultaneously. "These days, everything looks like you," she even said.

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