The Extended Inuzuka Family

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One of the best things about having a baby who could sit on his own was that he got to now have his own seat at the table. It sure made for some good entertainment, and I had to keep myself from laughing at how Alonso repeatedly smacked his toy against his highchair in some uncoordinated frenzy, dropping the object to which Hinata bent down to pick back up for him. Of course, he only dropped it again, but he didn't seem all that upset by it.

"Leave it." I recommended as she moved to bend down again, and I gestured to the baby, "Look at him. He's just happy enough to be here. You won't be able to eat anyways if you keep trying to pick up the stuff he drops."

She sat back up with something close to a huff, "Or you could help pick things up."

"I wanna eat too." I defended, poking my eggs pointedly, "We'll get it after breakfast."

Even though she rolled her eyes, she relented, taking a bite on her fork, and her little attitude dissipated quickly with a semi-delighted hum, "Oh wow, you actually made a pretty good salsa."

I elected to ignore the use of 'actually', and instead smiled, "Yup, and I only died a little bit with the onions. I even remembered to make yours spicy. Still don't get how you like that stuff."

"It runs in my blood, amor." Hinata declared, leaning over to coo at Alonso, "I wonder which side you'll be on."

Scoffing, I reached over to brush Alonso's cheek and bring his attention to me, "If he has the sense of smell, he doesn't really have a choice." Although, ever since being introduced to Hina's food, I'd started to wonder if there was a reality where I could have enjoyed spicy food. If spices didn't make my nasal cavity feel like actual hell, would I have enjoyed them now? Whatever the case, at the very least I could enjoy the other flavors that Hinata's Hispanic culture provided, frankly I was surprised I could recreate it in a way that suited her approval.

"Such a shame, isn't it?" Hinata leaned a bit closer, her voice drawing Alonso's eyes back to her, "I guess we'll find out when you start eating food."

"You ain't feeding my baby jalapeños, babe." Giving her a warning glance, she leaned back with her hands up.

"I don't mean as soon as he starts eating food, babe." Good to know her attitude was still as spicy as her food.

"You better not have made my food spicy!"

Hinata and I turned around in our chairs at Sakura's voice, and I laughed, "I didn't, don't wor- what the hell are you wearing?" Even Akamaru lifted his head in questioning.

Sakura almost always had an interesting outfit when she wasn't on duty, and in this era of peace she definitely capitalized on it. But... this was something else altogether. No skirts in site, no frills, not even some funny theme like 'pirates' or whatever. She was wearing shorts, but, like, overall shorts, except they didn't have the full front, just some thin panel low on her chest. They were a leather shade of brown with some nice 'embroidery' on them or whatever I guess, but them combined with below the knee socks, some sort of fucking loafers, and a white shirt rolled to her elbows... it was a look I suppose.

Hinata almost immediately began cracking up, "L-lederhosen!? Where the hell did you get lederhosen!?"

"I made them myself!" Sakura declared happily, "With Itachi's help... but still! I made the hat totally myself!" The hat being a tiny version of whatever was supposed to go with the 'outfit' probably, small, green, with a little feather and set asymmetrically on her head.

"I- 'lederhosen?" I tried to repeat the word to the best of my ability, but I honestly had no clue what it could mean. All I was seeing was the ugliest fucking shorts I'd ever seen in my life.

Reborn as Sakura and Hinata: Lost in the Wind (Part 2)Where stories live. Discover now