Well, I love you too. (Armin X Levi)

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Armin *POV*

"Armin! There you are! Levi wants to talk to you!" Sasha walks up to me while eating a potato. She smiles and I smile back. "Okay. Seya later, Sasha!" I wave and walk past her. "You too Armin!" She calls.

I walk up to the doors, which leads to Lance Corporal Levi's office nervously. I softly knock on the door and hear a slightly muffled 'Come in, Armin'
I opened up the door and poked my head in. "Hi. You wanted to speak to me?" I ask him. He nods his head and gestures for me to sit down. I close the door and I do as he says and sit down, but right when I do, I feel a weight on top of me and soft lips placed onto mine.
I silently gasp but kiss back... I've liked Levi for a while but never told anyone...

Levi pulls back, much to my disappointment, and hugs me. Tightly. "Uh... Le-Levi c-cant brea-the." I manage to get out. He loosens his grip and I can finally breathe again. I look up at those beautiful silver eyes. "Levi... I'm confused? Do you like me?" He nods. He kisses my cheek and smirks. I smile and blush, a deep crimson covering my cheeks.

"I've liked you for awhile... Actually I don't like you..." What?! He just said he did! Tears threatened to fall and I didn't listen to the rest of what Levi had to say. I look down at my lap, pondering if I should tell him I like him or if I shou- "Are you even listening to me? Oh my! I'm sorry! It's a misunderstanding! I don't like you. I love you, Armin!" He exclaimed, cutting my thoughts off and lifting my head with his beautiful hand.

"Oh... Well, I love you too, Levi." I say. I don't know where this confidence came from, but I like it, and it earned me another kiss on the cheek.

Later that night, we just cuddled and got to know each other better.

A/N Heyoooo. I'm not good with one shots and this is my first one... So don't mind the stupid ness of this. You can request! (It has to be Armin X ?) doesn't matter how smutty, I'll do it. Just humor me. Okay. I might do another one tonight. Somehow I was starting to write a Neko!Armin X Levi so I might do that tonight. So you know seya!


Don't forget to love yourselves<3

And don't forget I love you too<3

Cya babes(*3*)/


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