Flash from the past Part 2

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I sat up and blinked and the room stopped spinning. The nurse told me to remain calm. When the kid ran to me I twisted me leg and sprained my leg. She also told me that I would have to wear crutches. I then realized the giant boot on my foot.

" I'm really sorry about all of this, " She said.

" But at least your in the same boat as your friend over here. " she said. I then looked to my right and saw Kyle sitting there with a cast on his leg.

" Heyyyy, sorry about you know making your nose bleed tripping you and kicking a soccer ball at you. " I said.

" Yeah it's ok, just hurts a lot. Your going to have to teach me your ways so I can get back at some people that I don't like. " he said as we both laughed.

" This is definitely not how I saw the day going. At least we get to miss out on school for a day. " I said

" I guess so. And if we have crutches then we get to be first in the lunch line. " he said laughing.

That night I was sitting in my bed pretending to do homework but really debating on texting Kyle. Oh how I wish that liking someone was easier than this. Then Cole came into my room.

" Heyyyy, so I told Kyle that you liked him..." He said

" What? Why? "

" but when I did he said that he liked you too. "

" What really? "

" No I was kidding I didn't tell him. " why can't I have a girl twin instead. Cole is so annoying. Then he stole my crutch and ran off into his room and licked it so I couldn't walk or do anything. I decided to pull a toddler in Cole.


Then in a matter of seconds my mom came in my room with my other crutch and made Cole apologize. It works every time. I then went back to my phone. And decided to text Kyle.

Madison: Hey Kyle, this is Madison from school.

Then 5 minutes later he replied.

Kyle: Hey, WYD

Madison: homework WBU

Kyke: Same, and playing Fifa

Madison: Cool...

We then continued talking like this for awhile till I had to leave to go eat dinner.


Almost everyday Coles friends would come over and Kyle was one of his friends along with nolan and Seth. Mak and Nolan are dating and Megan and Seth have been off and on for awhile. But right now there together. It feels like I've liked Kyle forever because cokes group praticly lives at my house. Now it's okward that I like Kyle and I see him a lot at my house.

But I wasn't looking forward to this weekend because my friends wanted to go to a movie with there boyfriends but wanted me to come with them. Then eventually me and my friends were all going and Cole and his friends were going.
When we all got there my friends made it so I was sitting next to Kyle. So far it wasn't going well because I stepped on his cast when he walked in and this old guy next to him was snoring the whole time. Afterawhile of doing this kind of thing I finally got the courage to ask Kyle out. I knew that girls normally don't do it but we have gotten super close. We talked almost everyday.

One day afterschool Kyle was getting something from a classroom so I walked over there and said
" Hey Kyle! I have to talk to you about something" I said smiling

" Hey what's up! I have to talk to you about something too "

" Nothing, what about you? " I said, this is going to be impossible this conversation is going to go nowhere what am I doing.

" nothing you said you had some news for me? " he said

" Yeah... uhhhh" I said, this is so awkward what am i doing.

" Anyway.. I was wondering if... Nevermind it's nothing I just remembered that it's nothing. " what am I doing I decided to chicken out. I shouldn't date as a freshman anyway.

" Ok, what I was going to say was do you want to go out with me? " I blinked at the last words.

" Wait what? " I said "are you serious?"

"Uh, I think so, " he said

" Uh, I mean yes sure cool great yes. " Why am I so akward.

" Awesome, now what happenes next?"

" no clue. " I said laughing.


Hey guys, the " flashes from the pasts " was going to be one chapter but it's really long so I made it two sorry. Oops I posted two days in a row. Anywho I'll continue with the present time next chapter :)

PS: sorry about the picture for this book I know the guy looks really old haha.

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