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As it turns out, it had been York and Carolina switching the songs, with CT and South shouting suggestions from the sidelines. Meanwhile North and Tex were having an in depth conversation on the other side of the room, next to Tucker and Church, engaged in an intense card game that Church appeared to be winning, Doc watching with interest. Grif and Simmons had re-entered the kitchen behind Donut and were getting more drinks from the severely depleted store. Maine and Caboose were piling their plates with food, Caboose chattering happily, and Wash was on his own on the sofa.

They chose a song, earning them a cheer from some of the others. Tex dragged Church up from his card game, against Tucker's protests, to dance with the others, leaving Tucker bitching loudly about her interruption. Wash rose up from the sofa with a determined look.

"Mind if I tag in?" he asked, faux-casual.

"Sure thing," Tucker said, gesturing for Wash to sit with him on the floor, still glaring at Tex. Wash took the seat offered with a barely-concealed grin and picked up his cards, giving a low whistle.

"Church really was kicking your ass!" he laughed.

"Hey, shut they fuck up! I can bring this back, you'll see," Tucker mumbled the last part to himself, but Donut could see him and Wash both smiling down at their cards. Pleased with the situation, he gave a happy sigh, and then proceeded to drag Doc away from the buffet to dance with the others. Everyone had newly filled drinks that were going down fast, then being quickly refilled.

They moved amongst their friends, Donut immediately catching sight of Grif and Simmons on the edge of the group, Grif doing a truly terrible version of the robot, and Simmons, barely able to stand, doing what could only be described as "dad dancing". Then again, Donut admitted, Doc's dancing wasn't much better, although he was slightly more sober.

The whole group (including Maine, who, Donut was surprised to find, was actually a pretty good dancer) danced together for three or four songs, and in most cases one or two drinks, before a slower track came on and they began to break apart. The ensuing quiet chatter was broken by an uproariously drunk Tex.

"Okay, assholes, spin the bottle!" she slurred, shoving CT and Tucker (who were on either side on her), down to the floor, encouraging the rest to form a circle. Donut was thrilled, although he could see Doc was uncomfortable, and Wash too. So far things were going swimmingly, he hadn't realized just putting Wash and Tucker in a party environment would yield such good results with no effort on his part.

"Refills first!" yelled South. It wasn't that she was angry; she was just a shouty kind of drunk.

As she staggered into the kitchen Carolina took a spot on the floor next to Donut, glancing around surreptitiously as she did so.

"Hey, um, Donut?" she said, leaning in towards him as she did so, "I have these movie tickets for next week but York isn't free, do you want them?"

"Oh!" exclaimed Donut, the suspicion that was growing in his mind broke through the murky surface of alcohol, prompting him to ask, "I mean thank you but, why me?"

"Look," Carolina shuffled closer still, "It's one of those mushy romance movies. I kinda didn't want anyone else to know." she looked genuinely embarrassed. Donut nodded in a manner that he hoped looked wise and understanding, and not like a bobble head.

"So you have two tickets?"

"Yeah, you can take Doc!" and with that and a slap on Donut's back Carolina was gone, moving back to sit with York, all traces of embarrassment gone.

It took a moment for Donut's brain to catch up. Funny for her to assume he would give Doc the other ticket, his friend wasn't known for a love of romances. She had probably meant that she also trusted Doc not to tell people about the tickets. Yeah, that must be it.

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