Give Me Chokoreto - one shot story

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This is just a fun one shot story XD


I woke up to the sound of my clock ringing like hell.

Suddenly i remember what day is today. Today is 14th of February which means ....its VALENTINES DAY!
Oh my god.

I got out of bed and began to dance like crazy!

"Ok ok.. Its 5:00 AM now... I still have time to fix my self", i said.

Then i rushed to the bathroom , and have a shower. Then i brushed my teeth.

As soon as i got out of the bathroom, i wore my school uniform . UGH usually i always iron my clothes in the morning but since its valentine today... I ironed my clothes last night so i can have time in the morning to fix my self.

After that, i tied my hair in a ponytail with my hair (get it). Because my hair is pretty long that it reached my butt. (The girl which is named ..Kathylyn .G from the music video is supposed to be you.. So if u dont like her. Its ok ..its ok).

I then look at my image in the mirror and started to paint my face with red pastel crayon. Today i decide to do a 'thunder' symbol. Then i wore my red Ray ban sunglasses. Cuz i think i look cool.

Ok .... In my mind right now i have been liking Takumi. I guess he's pretty hot and cute.
[ i love Ryuji Actually- authors note ].

" [your name] !! , hurry up and eat your damn breakfast", my mom called out to me.

My mom served me an uncooked egg XDD and a bowl of koko krunch.

I didn't drink anything after eating because a bowl of koko krunch soup will be okay.


"Mami!! I have to go to school", i said to her.

"Why'd you ask me? Im not your teacher!", she called out me.

"Sayonara!", i sayonarad her XDDD.

Lalalala ....

Cycling my way downtown
Cyclin fast
Biclyn fast [biclyn- i made up this word]
Cuz i ain't homebound
And i mish u
And i need u
Cuz i like u takumi kun~

It only takes about 7 seconds for me to go to school ... Becuz im cyclin with high speed that my skirt was swaying up and down ...whatever major luzerr.

Ok .. Here we go..

Dis is my skool... And oh look
There'sTo-i, Ryuji, Takumi and Masaki.

Hey To-i is lookin cute today with that cap on.
And what is Masaki reading? A cook book?
Takumi ....ur

Hey! Why are they mentioning my name! ... I wonder why?

Ok to-i please look at me.. JUST LOOK At ME!--- i said it in my mind

To-i's P.O.V:
I turned around and saw [ your name] cycling this way.

"Ah [your name]", i called out.

My heart was beating fast....and why all of a sudden is my surrounding goes pinky, bloomy, and in slow motion?... I guess this is what they call the love motion.

Takumi's P.O.V:
To-i mentioned her name.. So i turned around.. Wow. So today she painted her face in red colour eh?.. Red for heart, heart means for valentine.

My P.O.V:
Ok here we go. Now they all already look at me i guess its time for me to greet them.

"Good Morning~" i said cycling towards them.. Then i got this bad idea.. Lemme crush their feet.

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