chapter 1

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The house felt cold. It was an odd unfamiliar feeling. I missed home, but now this was home at least for some time I guess. I had to get used to this feeling.

London, I was in London. This was home now. I only came here with my parents and my little sister to vacation. I loved the weather. It was cold. But now this cold weather made me feel gloomy. I loved this place but now this place had just become an escape for me.

I looked around at my house. We had reached here two days ago. It is the 29th of December today. Two days before new year. My family I wonder where they are. I hope they are safe. We got scattered while escaping. I was here with my bodyguard. He was all that I had left he was my best friend in all ways. He knew me right from when I was teenager. He knew me inside out. He was just five years elder to me. I just hope my family is safe.

When we reached here two days ago. We checked into a dingy motel. As soon as we got here we contacted back home. We had to decide to get money transferred to us without bank accounts and everything. My god parents back home were trying everything in their capacity to keep me alive and safe. We had still not heard from my parents and sister.

We began by getting citizenship and fake names and Ids. It was difficult but I guess having a body guard who had connections worked. We now had different names. I went by Ciara Clarke and my body guard was known as Callum Durham.

Our next step was to find a flat as they called it here. We disguised ourselves as an engaged couple who just moved into the city to start their life. That's what we told the real estate guy.

It was a task getting a flat. Money wasn't an issue now but the house we got had to be safe. It had to be in a location where it would be difficult to find us. We decided to get a place next to prime rose hill in central London. It would be easier as the place is always crowded and if anyone were to find me they would first look in all the secluded places. This place was more apt because it was filled with the rich and famous. It would be easier to hide in such a busy place.

We looked at 4 flats and I fell in love with the fourth one. It reminded me of my house back home. Not entirely but just parts of it.

As soon as I entered the flat it gave me a welcoming feeling and I just knew within that this would be it. The house was partly furnished. It was on the third floor the last door on the floor. There were just three other flats in each floor and among all three just one was occupied the other one was vacant waiting for a tenant and this one would be occupied by us now. The building was an old ware house converted into apartments now

The house as you entered it there was a huge hall with wood flooring and carpet near the sitting area. There was a huge grey and brown couch with matching seats and a pretty tea table. As you walked behind the couches there are huge French windows that lead to a Juliette balcony outside. The balcony had a small garden with a swing and a Chinese tea table and some plants. To the right of the couches were book shelves on either side of a door way which lead into a dining room with a huge brown dining table. There was walking kitchen at the end of the room which was separated from the rest of the dining room by a breakfast bar.

There was a room besides the staircase which was empty and had nothing but cupboards. There was another room under the staircase the lead upwards. It was a tiny bathroom.

There was a wooden staircase that lead to the top floor which was like a loft. There were three doors. One of the doors lead to a bedroom with a huge bed French windows at the end of the room and small dresser and chair. There were two other doors one lead to a walk-in closet and the other lead to a bathroom.

The other room on the floor was the same again consisting of a bedroom a walk-in closet and a bathroom. There was a spare room which looked more like an office. The house was apt. Callum did all the things necessary to move get this house. Once all the paper work was done. The real estate agent too was relieved because he was tired showing us house after house. We moved in that night itself. And after spending the first night in this new place I call home. Here I am siting aimlessly on the couch with a nothing to do.

" whatcha doing? " came an all too familiar voice.

Callum stood in the door of way of the dining room looking at me through his sleepy eyes. I can't believe this is the same person I used on know when he was just appointed to be my bodyguard. He was rude and angry and would always drag me around and force me to do things. He would only wear suits and act weird. Now he was all caring and he dressed normally.

" couldn't sleep " I said shrugging further into my seat.

He looked at me with concern. He came walking towards me and sat next to me putting his arms around me. It felt good, it felt safe. He was like the big brother I never had.

"ci love, you have to get used to this for some time I know its difficult but you have to try " he said. Here I was still getting used to my new name and he already had a nick name for me.

" I know I am trying " I said. Just then my stomach made loud noise. My eyes widened in shock and Callum laughed like he had never heard anything like that before.

" don't laugh " I said turning red

" ok ok I am sorry let's get those whales in your stomach something to eat before they eat you up " he said.

I rolled my eyes at him. It's a habit I had formed recently.

" there is nothing to eat " I said

" then let's go out, we anyways must go, we have to get a lot of stuff " he said

" ok " I said but did not move from the seat

" don't you want to change " he asked

" I have like two pairs of clothes, I don't think I want to change " I said

" all right, dont worry clothes is also top of my list of things to get today " he said

" yaaaaaayyyyyy shopping " I yelled he smiled at me

" look at you suggesting we go shopping, you of all the people who would only dress in black suits and would make a face every time I went shopping " I said

" you consider yourself lucky I am taking you or Ill make you stay in the same clothes forever " he said with a smirk on his face

" you wouldn't " I said

" Oh, honey don't try me, you know what happened last time " he said winking and going upstairs

I remember last time all too well to forget. I wanted him to wear normal clothes so I burned all his suits and replaced them with normal clothes. He wore normal clothes but for a week he hid my clothes forcing me to wear his clothes and go everywhere. My parents thought it was a nice punishment so they did not protest. Even when we escaped he allowed me to carry just two pairs of clothes. He said clothes only two sets are enough. We need more food and water to survive.

" earth to Ciara earth to Ciara " came his voice again pulling me out of my day dream.

I looked at him " let's go now " he said taking my hand and grabbing the keys off the counter and walking out. I stood beside him while he locked the house.

We took the elevator and went down. As soon as we were out the lobby door. The cold wind of London enveloped my body making me shiver. Callum noticed me quivering and pulled me besides him and we began walking to our destination

(ok so I know its short but I promise to write more and write soon. Comment vote keep reading)

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