chapter 3

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I wanted to scream but his stupid hand kept blocking my mouth. I still struggled making muffled noises leave my mouth. I looked at this person looked very familiar but I couldn't place a finger on where I had seen this person.

He had chocolate brown curls falling perfectly around his head and he had green eyes. The color of his eyes were so green and prominent i felt like I could melt under her gaze. His face had a worried expression yet he looked so adorable. He was dressed in a white v neck tshirt. His body was adorned with tattoos. They were prominent even through his shirt. He was dressed in tight jeans and brown boots.

I tried to move but he just looked at me confused. I lifted my hand and pointed at his hand covering my mouth.

" Oh sorry " said his deep raspy accent it created goosebumps on my skin.

" promise you won't scream il let go then " he asked raising an eyebrow. I thought of my options for a moment. I agreed having another idea in my mind. He was about to let go when I raised my knee and knocked him lightly not too hard on his balls. He cringed in pain. I took this as opportunity to escape. I was grabbing my bag when I felt an arm snake around me holding me and an other arm cover my mouth again.

" please don't show, I swear I am decent. I am not a pervert, I am just trying to hide, I am harry styles from one direction " this stranger just introduced himself while pulling me closer to him so that I wouldnt escape. Now I know why I found him face so familiar. I had friends who were crazy about this band the had tshirts and posters of them. I wriggled in his grip.

" promise you won't scream again " he whisper asked.

I nodded just then the sales attendant came to the door " madam is everything alright, I heard a noise " she asked

Harry looked at me expectantly, he was not sure of what I was going to say but the look in his eye just wanted me to believe him.

" ummm yea I am alright just bumped my elbow " I said

" Oh alright " she said walking away.

" if you are harry styles from one direction why are you hiding here like a creep " I asked

He chuckled a little before replying, the sound of his light laughter also creating goosebumps on my skin and butterflies in the pit of my stomach. Jesus why did he have sick an effect on me. " I was here with the boys shopping, we stopped to eat, while they were eating i slipped away without a security guard, while shopping here some fans noticed me and started creating a scene. I was scared it would turn into a mob so i am hiding here, I found this empty and it's the last one I thought it was closed so i hid here. I don't have my phone either i left it with Niall my band mate, I swear I am decent you have to belive " he started blabbering.

I chuckled while he looked at me " well mr lost celebrity, I think you need to go out cause I need to try all those on" I said to him

" please i wont look but don't throw me out, il be mobbed " he pleaded the green in his eyes shinning making my heart melt.

I groaned a little before replying " ok so stay away go stand in that corner turn around, cover your eyes and did not peek, you peek once and il throw you out and call the mob myself " I said he immediately obeyed turning around.

I took out a few outfits i switched off the light while I changed into something different. I switched it on to check it in the mirror. Harry peeked out of the corner of his eye " hey I said no peeking " I said swatting his arm

" well I just wanted to see your new outfit and your fully clothed any ways " he said

I shrugged he had a point " well what to think " I asked gesturing to the dress i had tried on, he turned around and looked at me from head to toe " I think it looks gorgeous and you look pretty do you feel pretty " he asked in a girl voice. I wanted to laugh but ended up rolling my eyes at him.

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