The First Time

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The first time, you had just met and were nursing a nasty bump on your forehead that he had given you.

It really didn't hurt that bad, but he was still vomiting apologies an hour after it had happened.

As the daughter of the town blacksmith, it was your job on the reconstruction of the Madrigal home to get tools from the forge to the site. Your mother, of course, still insisted on going on most of the trips with you. You were accident-prone – almost as much as Señor Augustine – and now that Julieta couldn't heal you immediately anymore, it was best if you were with someone.

Of course, your mother couldn't be with you all the time, and your father and brother worked in the forge. You were 27 for God's sake! You could make one trip on your own.

Tools in your arms, you marched into the skeleton of the house, greeting everyone you saw with hellos and a smile. You couldn't wait to see Luisa. Despite being closer in age to Dolores and Isabella, you had bonded with Luisa the most over the years. You thought of asking her to go to the river later to cool off. It was only late spring, but already the humidity made it feel like summer. Perhaps you could take a break after this run and get a cool glass of limonada.

Your thoughts were interrupted as you collided with a man wearing a helmet on his head. The helmet had made contact with your forehead and left you dazed on the ground. You could briefly register voices murmuring around you, until one of the people reached for you and helped you up, leading you to Julieta who instructed you to lie down in the shade with a cool towel on your head.

"I really am sorry, I didn't think playing tag with Antonio as Hernando would end as badly as it did. Ha ha." He awkwardly chuckled, clearly trying to lighten the mood.

You had not seen him in years, not since you were a child and even then you only had a fuzzy recollection of green eyes.

The man in front of you now was shorter than you remembered. His hair streaked with grey, his hands warm and soft as he re-wet the towel in cool water and placed it on your head.

"Bruno?" You asked.

He startled, but relaxed when he realized your voice held no malice.

"Yeah, it's me. I'm back."

"I'm glad," you smiled at him, "I'm y/n."

"Y/n, that's very pretty," He smiled again. You briefly registered that he had a very nice smile. A very nice face in general, actually, he was very handsome. His lips were full and looked soft. What would they be like to kiss?

You had never really thought of other people that way. Growing up, it seemed like everyone your age had met that "special someone" and had moved on. Left you alone. Of course, you had had romantic trysts, but nothing that panned out. You were a practical person, you didn't let yourself think of impossible things like love and marriage when there was work to do all around the encanto. Just take things one day at a time, that was your motto.

Yet, as you spent the day with Bruno, you began to imagine the future. Nothing concrete, but maybe a hand to hold, a person who knew you.

He walked you to your home, greeting your father who grunted and nodded his head in greeting, and your mother who said hello then immediately began to scold you.

Up in your room, you opened your window curtain up to the unfinished casita. What would his new room look like?

You convinced yourself it was a concussion that made you think you loved the Madrigal triplet already. 

Five Plus One (Bruno Madrigal x fem!y/n)Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat