The Third "Almost"

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The third time you almost said it, you had kissed for the first time...

The Madrigal siblings were going to be the death of you.

In her defense, Luisa told you later that she was not an active part of it, she had only suggested that you were around the house a lot more than usual, and Bruno always seemed to be around more when you were.

And you thought you two were being subtle.

In turn, Camilo, Mirabel, and even Antonio had made it their mission to "give you two a push."

You had just exited the kitchen with Mirabel, with instructions from Julieta to get Antonio to order the capybara out of her space, when you ran into Bruno.

"Hola Tio!" Mirabel said cheerfully, while you could only breathe out a soft "Bruno."

"Mirabel, y/n," he easily smiled, "I was just going to take a walk to Isabela's garden, she just re-did it and wanted me to see. Would you beautiful señoritas like to come along?"

He bowed slightly, his hand outstretched to you. You thought it odd – when had your sweet, timid Bruno gotten so... smooth? But him inviting you anywhere never failed to get your heart fluttering.

"I want to say yes Bruno, but we promised Julieta that we would get Antonio and –"

"Oh I can do that alone!" Mirabel interrupted you loudly, clapping you on the back so hard you took a step forward and took Bruno's extended hand.

"You crazy kids have fun!" She began to walk away before you could protest, "I'll join you in a bit!"

You couldn't help the blush from forming as Bruno tucked your hand into the crook of his elbow and began to walk towards Isabela's garden.

This one was outside, just a few yards from casita. The late afternoon sun was setting, illuminating a walkway covered in purple and pink flowers. On either side of the walkway lay an even row of succulents, each reveling in its prickly beauty. As the two of you entered the shaded garden, a wind blew through, ruffling the flowers and sending a rain of petals around you. You really couldn't make it more romantic if you tried...

"Y/n" Bruno said softly.

You looked up. He was not a tall man, but he still had a couple inches on you. The setting sun made his eyes look even lovelier than usual.

"How long have we been seeing each other now?"

You gasped. You and Bruno had not put a label on your relationship, but a few days ago, as he was bidding you goodbye at casita's doorway, he had promised he would speak to you soon about the future.

"It's been a few months now."

He smiled. Now that you two were face-to-face, he could reach up to touch your face with his soft fingers.

"And we still haven't announced our courtship?" He chuckled, "My most beautiful flower, we should announce our feelings to the world."

That made you pause. Bruno was sweet, and sometimes even poetic, but this was a lot.

"Bruno, what has gotten into you?" you laugh.

"Only my love for you, y/n." He took your hand and spun you as another shower of flower petals engulfed you. Really, how many petals could these flowers have?

Bruno pulled you close, your noses almost touching.

"Kiss me, mi vida." He whispered, one corner of his mouth lifting higher than the other.

Wait a second. You knew that smirk.



A voice boomed behind you, and the two of you jumped away from each other, Camilo reverting back to his usual form.

Admittedly, you had never seen Bruno – your Bruno – get mad. He puffed out his chest, stood straight up and looked Camilo sternly in the eye. He was a little scary, and it was more of a turn on than you want to admit.

"Explain yourself." Bruno snapped.

Camilo had the audacity to shrug.

"I just thought you could use a little help Tío, girls aren't going to wait around forever you know."

"I'm telling your parents about this," at those words, Camilo deflated a little, "now run off, I have to speak to y/n alone."

Camilo straightened up, a shit-eating grin on his face. He called a cheerful goodbye to the two of you as he ran back to the house.

Now that the two of you were alone, you felt the silence was suffocating.


He turned to look at you, all traces of anger gone. He regarded you softly as he held out his hands.

"I- I was hoping to do this, when we were alone. Without the kids around, I mean." He stuttered, and your heart swelled. This was your Bruno. Sweet, sincere, a little awkward. He had your heart already, even if you wouldn't admit it.

You took a couple steps forward, taking both his hands in yours.

"Thank you for coming to my rescue," you said. You weren't sure who did it, but you were pulled into each other's arms.

"Any time," He said, "I want you to be my...I mean I... I want."

He took a deep breath, closing his eyes. When he opened them again, they were full of a feeling that you knew well, but weren't brave enough to say yet.

"Be mine. Say you're mine, and I'll be yours."

You gasped, your eyes welling up with tears. You knew you were going to say it. You had to.

"Bruno," You crushed your lips to his. He stood still for a moment, then relaxed, his mouth softening and warming up to yours. He wrapped his strong arms around you, and you in turn snaked your hands into his hair. You were together now. Officially.

The two of you continued until a noise stopped you.

Behind the curtain of flowers, someone sneezed.

"Camilo!" Hissed Mirabel.

"What? I can't sneeze."

"You ruined the moment!" Isabella chimed in.

"No, I think we did our job," said Antonio smugly.

Dolores hummed in agreement.

You and Bruno chuckled, still in one another's arms.

Five Plus One (Bruno Madrigal x fem!y/n)Where stories live. Discover now