I love you more than Love itself

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Got you stuck inside my mind
I feel the details of my heart pounding
Like the roar of a time machine races beyond the time limit
Pure love is a subtle vibration that occurs throughout our body
The body that only know what kind of love that embrace your existence

I saw you standing there
Standing among the sunlight that enters through my bedroom window
The bias of the light makes your shadow even more dazzling

My heart is racing fast, as if it will jump out of my body
My knees suddenly go weak and my body won't cooperate with me
I sat down on the floor
"Am I paralyzed by the hypnotize of your love?"

and at that time I seemed to be struck by lightning
my brain suddenly stopped thinking
only my heart can speak softly
"I love you more than love itself"


Short Story by Selly AgtusWhere stories live. Discover now