Kamen Rider Horobi Bio

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Name: Horobi

Age: none

Gender: Male

Being: humagear

(Old looks)

(New looks)

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(New looks)

Description: Horobi was one of the members of metsuboujinrai and is Kamen Rider Horobi

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Description: Horobi was one of the members of metsuboujinrai and is Kamen Rider Horobi. He was one of the followers of Ark but when he realised that he doesn't see them as his teammates, he and alongside Aruto/Zero Two destroyed the Ark but he still has the same goal as him. Then awhile later he destroyed Izu and made Aruto into the new Ark and as Aruto tried to destroy Horobi, Jin flew in the way and died making Horobi upset with grief. Azu manipulate Horobi and and turn him into Horobi Ark Scorpion, then after their battle Aruto/Zero One wins and spared him to live a second chance, then Jin also came back to life and became father and son. But it all comes to an end when they encounter Lyon Arkland: creator of Ark, he managed to get them stuck in the massbrain system as Kamen Rider Metsuboujinrai and kill him and their physical bodies. Then Isamu/Vulcan came and transforms into lone wolf, after they collided their attacks Kamen Rider Metsuboujinrai got destroyed while Isamu's fate was unknown.

Personality: cold, calm, caring, focus, strong, ruthless,

Likes: Jin, his team, good people, destroying malice, Zero One, Vulcan (sometimes), being quiet, his katana

Dislikes: Ark, Azu, Lyon Arkland, anyone hurting Jin, malicious people,

Son: Jin

(Transformation belts)

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(Transformation belts)


Zetsumetsu Driver

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Zetsumetsu Driver

Zetsumetsu Driver

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His Katana

Attache Arrow

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Attache Arrow

Kamen Rider Horobi Sting Scorpion (primary form)

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Kamen Rider Horobi Sting Scorpion (primary form)

Kamen Rider Horobi Sting Scorpion (primary form)

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Kamen Rider Horobi Ark Scorpion (final form)

Kamen Rider Horobi Ark Scorpion (final form)

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Quotes and lines:

"All in the will of the Ark"

"You're my son, Jin"

"As long as humans still exists, us humagears will never be at peace"

"We shall see, Zero One"

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