the start of something gay

897 21 33

pain was all Cody could feel at the moment.
his whole body aches from the force of vomiting last night and his head and throat felt like shit.

At the moment, he could only remember a few things and his booming headache wasn't helping him one bit. He laid there for a while, scrunching his face in pain and curling into a ball. Fuck. Would anyone have painkillers here?
Deciding to get up now since he couldn't handle the headache and he can't be in there all day, he was hoping he could get some water for his dry throat and walked to where he could see Izzy drinking a smoothie from a food court.
He really hoped she wouldn't decide to talk to him, not that he didn't like her, but his headache is massive and his sensitivity to sound seems to have a bad affect.
it didn't help that the sun was so bright out, either.

he got himself a tall glass of water and drank it, sighing in satisfaction from how cool it felt to his dry throat.
Izzy only waved at him.

"You have a massive hangover dont you? Oooh those hurt so bad! You know, i think that i have some painkillers, you want one?"

although she's being loud enough to make his brain seem to throb, at least she's trying to by helpful.
Cody nodded and said please, who got a "wait a teenzy moment" and watched as the orange haired girl backflipped and ran to her chosen room.

alright, well, he gets some silence now while he waits.
He got another glass of water and glanced around, noting the past campers were making themselves pretty comfortable with the whole place, to say the least.
Sure, there was of course arguing and some beef going on in between some of them, but he was kind of glad that overall everything seemed chill at the moment.

Getting some time to think to himself now, he tried to think back to last night; right, that was embarrassing. Oh well, he managed through it, he grimaced a little.

Izzy came back with a scare.
"ARGGH!," she yelled behind him, causing him to scream himself and then hiss in pain from his body aching terribly, including his growing headache.
"Izzy-!", he hissed, holding onto his head.
"Oh! Sorry, didn't mean to scare ya THAT bad- here! painkillers for youuuu." she handed him a whole bottle.
"Um, i only need like two-"

"just take it, i have wayyyy too many."

"...what for?"

"what? OH! OWEN HOLD UP!!!"
as if on coincidence, Owen passed by with a whole pizza on a tray in hand. Guess Izzy wanted some?

Hoping these pills wouldn't kill him for some reason, he looked at the bottle as he took one, noting that it looked like and said what regular over the counter painkillers would.

Now alone, he wondered if he should go back to his room or do anything around the resort.
His headache is killing him.
he really hopes the medication will work.

Leshawna passed by at one point, grabbing herself a milkshake and asked how he was feeling after last night.
"honestly, terrible. but it's okay, my head is pounding but i took some painkillers...from izzy, i hope they work-"

Leshawna gave him a sympathetic look and shook her head a little, "well i'm glad you got the painkillers but you need some carbs in ya, boy. It helps reduce the hangover, trust me."

taking her word, he decided he'll eat some potato wedges that are made by the people working for the resort.
saying thank you, to both to the cook and to Leshawna, who gave him the idea of getting some food in his stomach.

She smiled, "no problem!"

After a while of resting near the food court and drinking plenty of water as well as eating his potato wedges, he pondered back again to last night.
Can anyone remember how he was puking his guts out?
I mean, now that he's placing pieces together, he can recall Noah and Trent helping him in the restroom.
Puking his guts out.

not a pretty sight, probably. he wrinkled his nose in shame. he shouldn't have drank so much.

Duncan, unwanted at the moment but sadly he's here, hollered at Cody while he grabbed himself something to drink, "how's the hangover treatin ya?," he asked in a somewhat taunting joking tone.

"not very well."

with a small laugh, Duncan took a sip from his soda can, "sucks to be you."

Cody furrowed his eyebrows a little feeling some type of hatred towards the other, "i see you haven't changed one bit."

"and you have? you're still going for gothic chic, dude, get OOover it, she doesn't like you that way."

Cody huffed and couldn't help but agree, she hasn't shown any signs of wanting to accept him as his boyfriend for much too long, guess she won't switch up after all.
really, him and Gwen? he couldn't ever pull that off, "you know, you're right, but doesn't give you the right to be such an ass."

Duncan almost spit out his drink, before pointing accusingly at Cody, "ey, don't talk to me that way-"

"still getting into drama?,"
a sarcastic voice came from behind them.
it was Noah, with surprise surprise, a book in hand.

"still reading those lame books?," Duncan remarked with a laugh.
"they're not lame, unlike your mohawk, per say-
"you're not one to talk, nerd, you have a mullet-,"

"um, can we stop arguing..?"
Cody had to ask.
He didn't want something worse happening, neither was it helping his current state.
"fine. but you're not off the hook yet, mullet. bye, losers."

with an eye roll from Noah and nothing from Cody, he was already making his way to some other place to probably cause some ruckus.
"what an asshole," noah almost snarled, Duncan was never one of his favorites.

Cody nodded, "honestly, yeah. i thought he would be at least a little more mature by now."
Noah scoffed, "no one here has matured, it seems like. i mean, you did let yourself get played by the dunces who were telling you to drink until you puke your guts out."

Cody couldn't help but feel himself flush with embarrassment; right, Noah saw it all.
an embarrassed laugh escaped Cody's lips and he scratched his arm subconsciously, "haha, right- th-that was embarrassing. god."
he covered his face with one of his face in shame, flashbacks of the disaster that was last night slapping him in the face again.
"well, yes, but hey at least you didn't do anything worse like, i don't know, die from alcohol poisoning or something."
Cody giggled a little, finding Noah's monotone tone with the joke comedic.
Noah smiled a little.

Cody seemed to feel a little better; he did have a hangover, after all, and the punk prick was just earlier messing with him.

"thanks for helping me out, Noah. really."

"you've already thanked me-"

"no- i mean for helping me get out of that funk with Duncan. and even if i did, i still want to thank you again for being a good friend overall, you and trent were the only ones who helped me. that's very sweet of both of you."

Noah was not used to all this...what? gratitude? these compliments?
he was a little hesitant to choose out his next words. Plus, he just got dropped the 'friend' label, he's never really thought about if he was friends with Cody, but if he was to be honest he could see Cody as pretty good company.
"uh no problem, really. to be fair, it's kinda funny when Duncan gets mad. and sweet? Yknow, maybe Trent could be but me? i was just doing what ended up in my hands."

"by that do you mean me?"

"yes- and i just realized how wrong that sounds now, actually-"

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