Chapter 2- a new friend?

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Sukoshi doesn’t remember how this happened, just that it did. There seemed to be a girl on top of him, she had… nice hair, what struck him as weird was the fact that she was getting closer to his neck. He didn’t register what was happening, until she whispered a crappy apology and said she was a vampire. Wait Vampire?! It was then she sunk her fangs into his neck that he finally had thoughts. What is going on? Is she biting me? When she eventually pulled back, Sukoshi could finally see her face: It was really pretty. Like super pretty, her eyes were a really nice green like grass or something…she was kind of blushing to, a pink shade, like the colour of her hair.

“I’m so sorry, I just couldn’t resist! Your blood smells so good!” she spoke. It was then that Tsukune finally decided to make himself known.

“Gahhhhhhh you bit him! What are you doing?! Are you ok Sukoshi?!”

“Yeah I’m ok, I think, it was just unexpected” Sukoshi replied nonchalantly. “Are you ok... Um?”

“Moka, my name is Moka Akashiya, I’m sorry for biting you, and for hitting you with my bike…” she looks really nervous, Sukoshi thought.

“I’m sorry for hitting you with my bike, I was really dizzy: I’m anemic. So it was completely my fault!” Moka stated obviously feeling very bad about what happened.

“That still doesn’t explain why you bit Sukoshi” Tsukune said rather harshly.

“About that, you see, I’m a vampire” she said even more nervous if that was possible.

“A vampire huh? That’s pretty interesting. By the way my name is Sukoshi Kamu” remarked Sukoshi. Moka’s eyes widened and she seemed happy now, for some reason.

“So does that mean you don’t hate vampires?”

“Of course not, vampires are pretty awesome!” Sukoshi replied in his cheery manner, it was then Tsukune decided to voice his opinion.

“Well I guess if Sukoshi’s ok with ‘vampires’, then I am too, it’s nice to meet you I’m Tsukune Aono.” Tsukune said with a lame attempt at being nice. “Um guys I think we should head to the school now, we’re probably going to be late otherwise.”

“Good point, hey Moka do you want to be our friend? Tsukune and I have just started here as first years”

“Oh really I’m a first year too! That would be great, but you really don’t mind if I’m a vampire?”

“If you’re our friend, it doesn’t matter” Sukoshi stated all matter of fact. Tsukune and Sukoshi nearly leaped out of their skins when Moka wrapped Sukoshi in a hug of death, she seemed very happy with her two new friends. When they finally arrived at the school it appeared as though they were a little late, and each separated to find where they had to go. It was a little while later when Tsukune finally found his classroom and as he entered, it appeared as though not many others had arrived so he was off the hook. That was when he noticed Sukoshi sitting near the back on the side near the windows, so he walked over and decided to take a seat since he was the only other person he knew besides Moka. “Hey Tsukune, we’re in the same class!” Sukoshi pretty much yelled, gaining the attention of some nearby students.

“Yeah that’s cool right!” Tsukune said back equally excited, Sukoshi then hugged him. As they were hugging, Sukoshi opened his eyes and saw a blue haired girl looking at him strangely. He then separated from Tsukune, and she caught him looking at her and quickly averted her eyes. I wonder who she is, maybe she’s interested in becoming friends. Before he had the chance to ask her, the door opened, revealing the teacher who instructed the class to take their seats. It wasn’t long after the teacher took the roll that the door opened again, slowly, revealing none other than Moka. She walked in slowly and quickly apologized to the teacher and was excused. She then decided to look for a seat, at which point she spotted her friends: Sukoshi and Tsukune. She then rushed over, ignoring the whispers from the other student about her attractiveness and such, and wrapped Sukoshi in another of her death hugs, at which point many students became enraged, due to the fact that the attractive girl and handsome boy of the class already seemingly had each other. After her hug with Sukoshi, she gave Tsukune a toned down hug and took a seat near Sukoshi. The teacher then began to explain the rules of Yokai academy.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 07, 2015 ⏰

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