Ch:2 A man and his friends

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(Hushin pov)

In the following months since i started training izuku jaune and genji i must say that they have made some good improvements i started there physical training 5 sets 100 push-ups sit-ups crunches then 10 laps around the school i thought they were gonna complain about it being to much but surprisingly they been doing this workout without complaint they have a drive to become stronger to show everyone that they can become powerful and even though the training just started they have shown to be diamonds in ruff they just need to be refined and polished

Izuku was exactly like i predicted hes was using his quirk on instinct. Which means it only activates when his emotions are at there highest and since he had no control he would instinctively use 100% and break his arm so while i was trianing him in physical conditioning i helped him with gaining control over his power.

I sugested that he should try using a small amount on one part of his body and try to maintain that amount during our spars well good news he could use a small amount if power with out breaking his arms bad news he couldn't hold for any length of time but that didn't stop him from trying over and over until Izuku came up with the idea to use the percentage he been using on his whole body i told him to give it a shot and bright red veins started going all over izukus body until green lightning started coming off of his body i asked him what does he call this supercharged for and he said "FULL COWLING" and then i asked him how much power is he using he said "5%" well we spared until he was able to jump into the form with without thinking about it

Jaune needed alot more work so i had him focus on improving his strength speed and cardio cause the guy really needed it he was basically skin and bone comapred to izuku and genji i couldn't help him with his sword trianing but jaune said the his teamate and partner Pyrrha was helping him in that department he seemed to to have taking a liking to muay tai so i began to teach him the basics and he seem to catch on pretty quick Leonidas would throw in some tips aswell since this is one of his favorite types of fighting styles.

During the 5th week of training jaune finally manged to unlock us semblance which everyone congratulated him on after some testing and some trial runs we manged to figure out what it does it has the ability amplify his aura or the aura of others thus making there semblances quirks or sacred gears users stronger he tried on me and saji and we were both happy to say that we have never felt so powerful without our blance breakers we were able to fight for hours on end until Ms.Goodwhitch stopped us with her semblance and told us to go home.

Also jaune learned that he can put his aura back up to full every time he takes a hit Leonidas suggest keep that one a secret when he fights he can make the opponent waste aura.

The final trick jaune learned was that he took how izuku channel his quirk through his whole body and tried the same thing which resulted in hus own super charged form the more he amp his aura through his body he becomes stronger and faster but it drains stamina like crazy when jaune tried it the first time he was only able to hold for a minute before passing out when he came to we realized that this should be a last resort move but we still trained that super form of his and hes getting better and better with it

Genji was only little bit ahead of izuku and jaune in terms of physical conditioning because he started 2 weeks prior to me extending my offer for training i just kicked it up a notch but he was coming along nicely

Leonidas had sensed that he alot of magic power inside of him and asked if he had any training in magic genji said no because he wanted to work on his physical strength first but according to Leonidas genji's magic reserves were on par with a high-tier mid-ranking devil which shocked me how could no one especially rais and her peerage let such untapped potential go untouched for so long. Leonidas decided to test his magic affinity and he turned out to be a wind type since this Leonidas field of expertise i just let take the reigns genji learned alot spells from attack to defense how to compress your magic and fire it making it stronger and faster even the a trick allowing him to intimidate oppents by releasing his magic

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