Junior: Who the fuck added me to a fucking group chat?
Tiffany: >:O language
Chucky: Yeah watch your fucking language
Lexy: Okay, who taught Chucky the fuck word?!
Devon: 'The fuck word'.
Nica: Are you stupid? You guys use the f word all the time
Chucky: Oh my god they censored it
Devon: Say fuck, Nica.
Chucky: Do it, Nica. Say fuck.
*At a dinner party, the guests converse while the host is away*
Junior: So how do you know the host?
Devon: They were a former vegan, and they bought milk.
Tiffany: That BITCH!
Jake: I pulled them over for money laundering.
Chucky: I'm chaperoning their dinner party.
Oilver: They stole a baconator!
Tiffany: That BITCH!
Junior: I tanked the store they were managing and they convinced me to quit from one of the only jobs I've ever had. Now I'm living off of unemployment checks and fear!
Junior, to Lexy: Are you peanuts? Because I want to boil you alive.

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