not my job

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Maybe it was the early morning panic, the oh shit moment when you realise your late. The grabbing any clothing that your eyes lay upon first. That's where the day went- is wrong the right word. If anyone asked Sapnap would be inclined to say yes but was it wrong.

Confusing….. enlightening…. Maybe even right. It's funny how one choice in clothing could turn Sapnaps' world upside down. A mess if you will, but was it better then what would be referred to as normal. Everything Sapnap had- no tried to ignore. Sapnap often turned a blind eye to.

The lust filled glances HIS boyfriend would make at other people. Ignoring the protectiveness over phones while Sapnap only wished it wasn't what he thought it was. It's just all in your head, he loves you, you should trust him more. 

The self deprecating spirals of your not good enough, it's your fault. Maybe it was…. Not that Sapnap would ever say that out loud tho.

Or maybe Sapnap should have stopped putting up with his boyfriend's toxic behaviors a long time ago.

___begining of day____

"Gimme a second please." Sapnap yelled, listening until he got a quiet ok from the other side of the front door. He continued his panicked search for car keys and clothing. Although this never were to happen if his alarm would have just went off. Was it possible for phones to hate a person cause if so the feelings mutal, stupid fucking phones. Why can't alarms just go off at proper times?

"Siri, what's the time?'' Sapnap sighed, trying to multitask while grabbing a pair of black jeans and a hoodie. It was a cool fall day, sun barely peeking out from the grayish clouds. So a hoodie would be the best option.

"I searched the web, there are 30 calories in a lime" I swear to god this pho- "are you just gonna glare at your phone, you know it can't hurt you Sap." Sapnap rolled his eyes, as he shifted his gaze to the tall frame situated right outside the doorway. "Shut up" the blonde just laughed before asking the brunette to 

"Let your fucking boyfriend in before he breaks the door bell" chuckling lightly, with fresh clothes on and car keys he jogged to the door. It was short hellos before making their way down to the car, nothing knew. The short sentences are always on his phone, it was fine right?

Sapnaps' boyfriend was nice enough, although the jealousy and secrecy Sapnap could definitely live without. The funny thing is everything would have been fine that day if not for one of their shared friends pointing it out. Bring what his boyfriend didn't even blink an eye at him to notice, into the light. Although sapnap really couldn't pass blame, it wasn't his fault.

It was that evening that the life changer words were said. "Who's sweatshirt is that, I've never seen you wear it?" It was a simple sentence really, but that was just the start of the chain of events that put sapnaps life into the chaos and confusion that it is now. It honestly slipped his mind, sapnap really never even realised it.

The hoodie wasn't his, it was the blonde's. Who also was usually the target of his boyfriend's jealous rampage. Dream who never really liked his boyfriend. While his boyfriend never really liked Dream.

It shouldn't have been a big deal, but looking up at the jealous fuzzed gaze his boyfriend had sent his direction made Sapnap feel like he did something wrong. It was a misunderstanding really. An accident of rushed mornings and mixed laundry. Even knowing that it wasn't his fault sapnap still could shake the guilt. And feared as the two of them got back into the vehicle.

The silence was awkward as they drove through the city. But why should it matter, why should he get to be jealous and possessive while he didnt even notice. Maybe if he wasn't busy smiling at his phone he would have.

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