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Sapnap didn't do being comforted.

Comforting others sure, but sapnap, sapnap never lost his cool. Usually let the emotions linger till he breaks. Praying that hes in the safety of his room when it happens.

So why was it different with dream? Sapnap felt what could only be described as safe and that scared him

Its not guilt, not oh shit I just made this person hate me forever.


Why was that so scary.

It wasn't an awkward silence, when sapnaps breathing calmed down. It was comforting.

As finger tips rubbed calming circles in the youngers back, the blonde held the other close. Maybe this is when sapnap fell in love, or at least realized it.

"How much did you hear." His voice sounded small.
"Enough, but I'm sorry I didn't mean to eavesdrop. The walls are just thin." The blonde rushed out like he heard something he wasn't supposed to hear. I mean technically he wasn't.
"Its ok." As the two fell in another comforting silence, sapnap tightened his grip. Maybe trying to say thank you, but the blonde seemed to understand the message, laying his head on the others.

"I mean, I'm just saying that was pretty badass, and I know I've never been a fan of your bo- well I guess ex boyfriend, but he deserved that."
Sapnap chuckled at that.
"And I'm sorry that was kinda my fault i guess, but you deserve better so I'm not going to say I regret anything." The blonde whispered, as Sapnap smile grew.

"No u were right, and thank u, I'm glad I'm out of that relationship." Sapnap said, looking up.

As the two made eye contact, they both smiled. "I mean as your roommate I think I need to grieve with you, so why dont we get icecream and watch, some really sad movie to ball our eyes out at." They both laugh.

"Yeah that sounds nice"

That's when it happened for dream, that's when the feelings returned.

It was never supposed to be like this, the feelings were meant to go away.
You're not supposed to fall in love with your roommate who has- had a boyfriend.

The feelings were meant to go away dream thought, as the man he so desperately wanted sat oblivious a couple feet away.

Sapnap doesn't feel the same, dream convinced himself. When exactly did the feelings he so desperately tried to stuff to the back of his mind forever. Find their way back to the surfaces.

Dream doesn't know.

It's his fault really, everything always comes back.

When dream fell Into the sheets that night, nothing felt right.

Was it shame, maybe guilt?

It was guilt, it was guilt of every almost touch, every way to domestic moment between them.

It was guilt, and it was tearing dream into pieces.

Even with the confirmation from the other, dream couldn't help but feel the break up was his fault. It was for the better, sapnap deserves better but, dream still couldn't shake the feeling.

There's been too many times where the blonde has almost stumbled over the line of platonical before. So many, almost touches.

At least before he could hide behind the excuse of, sapnap has a boyfriend.

That made it better. Even if he had to try so hard, to stuff down his jealousy, not lash out in frustration. He would say he did a decent job. Apart from a couple long glances he had sent sapnap and his boyfriends way, but dream tried so hard cause Sapnap didn't deserve that. Sapnap didn't deserve to be affected by his jealousy.

Sapnap also deserved more than his shit ex boyfriend and..... well dream wasn't a jealous person, at least not usually. It was unusual behavior for him.

Although with sapnap, that all changed. He wouldn't consider himself a toxic jealous person. His conscience is too big for that but dream knew he was in trouble when sapnap asked him to go clubbing a week later.

This man with be the death of him, dream thought.

"Come on, let's go to a club or something, I'm bored." Sapnap whined, as he stared at the other. Now dreams never been a fan of clubs, the sweaty bodies, the brain rattling loud music. It wasn't dreams scene, nor was it usually sapnaps and honestly dream didn't know what he would do, if he saw sapnap with another person.

Keeping that in mind dream really didn't want to witness the others' rebound phase, but the blonde also didn't want sapnap to go alone. So sighing dream agrees.

It really wasn't difficult to find a club, theirs multiple around their area. It's also not like neither of them haven't gone to clubs together. it's also definitely not a common occurrence, but seeing sapnaps smile when he agreed made dream heart do back flips, he was kinda excited to go out with his roommate.

So just like that, an hour after the idea was mentioned. They both found themselves in sapnaps car.

Both men were excited, one definitely more than the other but dream knew he was going to have fun.

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