Online Journal Entry One:

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(My favorite song that i'm sharing with you! You can listen to it if you want.^^)

Hey OJ(Online Journal)! I will introduce myself to you! I am Y/n L/n, I'm 14, I go to Aldera Junior High with my best friend Izuku Midoriya, My quirk is Sketch (I'll explain it later), I have brown eyes, black hair with blue highlights, and well.. I'm black, I have freckles, a cute button nose, and a wonderful smile! Okay so, I'm gonna tell you about the most tiresome thing that has ever happened to me (So far T^T). The teacher was talking about UA High School, he said that many people in my class were going to UA.

 "Katsuki Bakugou....." The teacher says. Soon after, the teacher started talking about Bakugou so I stopped listening. Then I hear Bakugou's voice. "I'm the real deal, but these guys'll be lucky to end up as sidekicks to some busted D-lister." he says as he smirks.

 "HEY, YOU THINK YOU'RE BETTER THAN US?!?!" Someone yells. Everyone starts talking at once. Then, I covered my ears.

 "Alright, alright, settle down. Izuku Midoriya," The teacher says as he pushes up his glasses, "You're applying for UA as well?"

 Yo when I tell you this baby was pure white, he was PURE white. He looked like someone had told his deep and darkest secret.

 "Y-Y-Y-Yes S-Sir." He said looking down. "Heh! A quirkless loser like you can't get into UA!" Bakugou says as he stands up out of his chair to turn and look at him. 

"Yes I can, they removed that rule." He says looking up at Bakugou. I stand and look at Bakugou, "Leave him alone, Katsuki. If he wants to get into UA then, he tries...wait no... then he WILL get into UA."

 It all goes silent. Everyone starts bursting out laughter. Then the teacher spoke again, "Oh yeah, Y/n L/n, you applied for UA too." he said.

 I go silent. "W-Well ummm..." I said shyly. "Oh-ho-ho. With a useless quirk like yours, you'll never get into UA!" He said, looking down at me. Then he leans towards my ear, "Never." he whispered.

 Then he walks back to his seat. I sit down, slowly, thinking about what Bakugou said. "N-Never..." I whispered softly. "Y-Y/n? You okay?" Izuku says. I look at him with a smile, "Of course Zuzu. I'm fine." After he settled everyone down, the teacher kept talking and talking. I was busy thinking about what Bakugou said. His words filled my brain. The words kept replaying in my head over and over and over again. Then the bell rang. I picked up my pen and sketchbook and walked out of the classroom.  

About my quirk: Whatever I draw can come to life, if I want it to of course.

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