Online Journal Entry Four:

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Hey, it's been awhile, and by awhile I mean six(6) weeks. I've been kinda busy with training and stuff like that. Although, the exam is coming soon. So, I guess all that training was worth it. Mmmm-- I can't wait. I really hope I get into UA. I'll get to meet the Pro-Heros! I wonder if i'll get to meet Hawks or Mirko! I admire Mirko so much! Her energy, her quirk, her personality, her...EVERYTHING! She's just so beautiful....wait hold on having Pansexual panic. Okay, I'm back. This Entry is kind of short for a reason. I really don't have much to talk about. Well anyway gotta go, my mum is making a Japanese meal. I wonder how that ends.. Bye OJ!~

Side Note: I am very sorry that I haven't updated this! I haven't been very motivated and I've been very busy with school. Anywayyyy! If you have made it this far, thx. I am coming up with a new entry right now. But for now, Jamie out!

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