Chapter Two

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Child of God by Dax 🤍

So what happened next?? Amira asked  with curiosity

Nothing, Than he winked

Whaaat!! I sense a something coming up

I rolled my eyes, Amira stoop nothing isn't going to happen.

How are you so sure?

He would never go for a girl like me

And Why is that? He must be blind you're beautiful girl!

Yea yea

She says that because she hasn't seen my scars.

Soon the bell was rang and she hugged me as she goes to her class.

I walked to my English class the teacher glared at me for being late

Ms Hudson so nice for you to join us.

So sorry madam.

She rolled her brown eyes at me

I swear she hates me.

Am giving you all a project you are going to do it in two's , this takes 50% of your final grade I already groped you listen to your name.

Freya and Gabriel

Martha and Ethan..... She continue like that, I almost had an heart attack when I heard,Elena and Adrian.

Oh God!

I almost jumped out of seat when I heard a deep voice next to me

Hi Elena he said smiling down at me.

He... hey Adrian.

Your house or my house? He asked seating next to me.


The assignment he said


Your house I replied
The last thing I want is let him find out about my messed up life.

Okay your number so I can text you my address

Okay I have him my number we agreed that we would start my 3:30pm than remained me to come eat with him and his friends at lunch.
               🧁 Lunch 🧁
After my classes I shove all my books into my locker and slammed it shut Amira walked to me with excitement

Are you ready?! She asked

No. Am not, what if I make a fool of myself?

Elena El....... She began but Adrian deep voice interupted

Hey girls he said flashing us a cute smile making his deep dimples come to view

I think looking this hot should be a crime.

My friends didn't want to eat school food so we meeting up at Mcdonald the one that is just a few blocks away from our school.


I could give you a ride he said I was about to denine but Amira said okay thanks.
So we entered Adrian red spots car and Zoom off.

I texted Amber where I was going and she replied with  Have fun!

This should be fun.

Chapter two Is done!!!

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