Chapter 6. Cuddles!

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(Authors Note!! Thank you guys so much for the support! I thank you guys dearly!~ -Moondrop)

(Narrator POV)

Sundrop and Moondrop were hanging out after hours as per usual. Sun wasn't having the best of days, and it felt pretty down. Moon waited until after the security bots checked in on them to talk to Sun about it. As Sun was cleaning up some messes, Moondrop bounced over to Sun.


" Sunny love, what happened today? You look tired and sad.. "

Sun sighed and fell into Moondrops arms. Moon picked them up and walked slowly to the balcony room area, whispering happy little things into Sunny's ears. Sunny grumbled in a thanks to them. Moon reached the beds and sat  them down on a bed. Moondrop grabbed a blanket and covered the both of them up, snuggling Sun.


" Everything will be okay love. "

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