Meeting YOU

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"you can at least do Kardashing to get some extra money," stated Bethany

With worry in her eyes

"You're right I can at least do that to get some extra cash". I said sighing with defeat in her voice.

I was never the type of person to shy away from a hard or tough job, but I really didn't want to result to Kardash. In my opinion it was so dangerous plus I wasn't someone who goes to the gym often so I can say I barley have to muscle to fight someone off.

"I'll start today, I shouldn't waist time," I got up from her seat with determination in her voice.

"I should come with you, I don't want you to be alone," Bethany stood up not wanting her best friend to go on her own.

I shake my head disagreeing "no no I'll be fine it's just food delivery, I will leave it at their door and run back to my car nothing to worry about" I stated trying to hind the worry in her voice.

"Are you sure? Because I can come with you" Beth sated insisting on her joining me on my little money-making trip.

"Absolutely not" I stated with firmness in my voice. Beth always worried about me I don't know if it's that I'm her best friend or that I can seem so unconfident sometime. Her eyes still staring at me trying to find a bit of reluctance, but I gave her none knowing that I was more then capable to do this on my own.

I got up waving her off and out of my apartment "come on I know you have your own job to go and do, you have to go and I'll be fine don't worry. I tried to pull her up and out the door.

"ok ok fine" she gives in as she starts waking to the door "but if ANYING happens you call me right away" she states with sternness in her voice and her eyes shooting daggers that could cut me.

"yes yes I promise" I state as I try to push her further out of the door pushing her out of the door frame lightly and closing the door before she gets a chance to say anything ells. Ok well I really shouldn't waist time. I Grabbed my keys off, of the counter and grabbed my favorite fluffy jacket and headed out the door.

everybody is so cheap here it's been over an hour now and all I've made is 50 bucks. I've been driving nonstop trying to deliver food to these hungry people the least they can do is tip well. As I was about to head home for the night another order came through my eyes widened when I saw that it was 50 dollars for one trip, I couldn't pass that up. I couldn't believe that somebody actually tipped $50 for food order it was a little late, but I was not gonna pass that up I just hope that I'll be fine.

I picked up a huge box of food from an Italian restaurant I've never heard of the beautiful mouthwatering aroma filled my car making these salivate at the mere presence of the food.  I made a mantel note to myself to go back and get some food from the restaurant for myself gosh I love Italian food.  The drive took what felt like forever, but it was worth it I was getting my money's worth. I turn into a street with no lights forcing me to turn my high beams on leading me all the way down to large dark gates with a call box on the side. The only thing that was going through my mind was if I had to run how will I even past the gate but it was too late now to turn back around I'm pretty sure it's an old couple or something I try to state reassuring myself. 

I press on the call button with hesitation only have someone answer it after the 4th long ring.

"yes" A low husky voice blared out startling me.

" It-Its your dasher, you ordered food" I state trying to show confidence in my voice. There was silence for a good minute until the same husky ruff voice came through the speaker. "Come through the gates" is all I heard next thing I see is the gates open leading done a dark path. I drive slowly down the long dark driveway not seeing anything but trees. I felt uneasy about the place but I knew I couldn't turn back now. All of the sudden my GPS started to cut out letting me know that I have arrived, but I kept on going and at that moment I realized I was done for.

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