what do you want?

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Mia's POV

I can't believe this ass wipe, who does he think he is? he doesn't get to keep me here and especially for no reason. At this point, he's halfway up the stairs and I'm still bolted to my spot fuming with anger all I saw was red I didn't care if people were afraid of him, I didn't care what he did all I knew is I was pissed and I was going to let him know.

"Hey, get back here, I'm not done talking to you" I shout out as I run up the stairs towards him he never turned around didn't look at me he just kept on walking slowly as if he was teasing me taunting me without even looking at me and I hated him before it.

"Hey ass hole I'm talking to you don't you dare walk away from me" at that point I didn't care that he saved my life, and I didn't care to know why he had me locked up in this castle of his I had a bit of a short temper, and he was going to know that. It seemed like my last statement struck a chord with him because for a second, he stopped I could see his back bustles flexing uncomfortably as if he was trying to stop himself from doing something he was thinking of but after a second, he kept on walking down a long hallway down the same hallway my room was on.

My blood was boiling, and I'd had enough I started running towards him and I did that unthinkable I pushed him with all my strength making him stumble forwards but only a bit it was quite embarrassing actually and that made my boiling pot explode.

"Who do you think you are Hugh kidnaping me" I push him further back as he stared at me with anger in his eyes

"keeping me here, not telling me WHY you're keeping me here, not telling me who the hell are you" I push him once again tears starting to brim.

Before I can push him again, he quickly grabs both of my arms as he pulls me into his chest pulling us both into a dark room.

"Let me go" I scream and try to get free from him, but it was no use he was twice my size and much stronger and in a split second I felt my back hit the mattress of a bed.

"nooo, how dare you save me so you can do the same thing that old basted was trying to do?" I screamed out wiggling under his grip I felt him get in-between my legs as he hovered over me not touching me but to close for my comfort. I could smell his minty breath on my face and his signature Cologne, The same cologne I smelled that night. It intoxicating my senses. Out of nowhere, the lights came on and I could finally see him hovering over me staring at me observing me but this time not with anger but hurt his lips were pursed jaw clenched as if he didn't know to be angry or to be sad.

"I would never touch you like that" he states with a much softer low toned voice with a sincere look in his eyes. We laid there in silence, not one of us moving a muscle in my face but he didn't have a face of disgust or anger his face was relaxed and calm.  and then he said something that sent electrifying shivers down my whole body.

"I'll only touch you when you want me to," he says in a low velvety tone letting his thick Italian accent roll off his tongue so smoothly. His eyes change from warm Gray to cold icy mischief orbs. my eyes widen my jaw falls open I couldn't believe what he was implying on how dare he, he literally just met me.  But something about him made me believe him that he really wouldn't do that to me he didn't look like a creep but yet again anybody could be a nasty crusty creep.

"well, you're touching me now and I didn't give you permission" I state looking away trying to hide my shock from him

his eyes held so much playfulness to them his perfect red lips flashed a small smirk at me making my cheeks heat up uncontrollably.

"You know exactly what I meant Mia" he states his voice being lower more needy and breathy.

His eyes raking body for a quick second and right back to my eyes. He opened his mouth to speak but I was too uncomfortable, and I interrupted him.

"Can you let me go? Please you are kind of hurting me" I state as I try to point to my wrists that he has a strong grip on.

He studies my face for a second almost trying to see if he should trust me if all start assaulting him again or behave, I speak up once again.

"I will behave I promise," I say with pleading eyes

He slowly let go of my wrist it gets off me He sat right next to me on the bed giving me space.

I massage my wrists as I look down at them is there a bit red, but he wasn't that harsh it's just that I bruise easily even though there weren't any bruising my wrists were a little red. I knew that if I wanted answers out of this man, I had to play his game I had to be a miss nice girl to get my answers and to finally get out of here. He notices me massaging my wrist doing the unthinkable he quickly grabs my wrist startling me and brought it up to his lips to give a small soft kiss on each wrist. The sudden act shocked me I couldn't say or do anything other than stare at him shocked but a good kind of shock. At that moment I did realize I don't think you ever wanted to hurt me but that doesn't answer my question what he wants from me if it's not to rape me or hurt me or beat me what is it then? His house was grand and beautiful he wore expensive suits and drove expensive cars obviously had riches what else can this man want what could I give him I don't have any of that.

"I'm sorry love" he states with my hands still in his, his eyes held sincerity, but emotions didn't show through his facial expressions. I've never been so angry and mesmerized by a man I have never seen a man like him in my life.

"I have sensitive skin," I say looking away from him not being able to look him directly in those beautiful stormy gray eyes. I can't believe I find the man that is keeping me hostage attractive I really must be losing it.

"That's my shirt your wearing," he says almost in a low growl

I turned my head to look but see him already staring at me slowly dragging his eyes down my body and back up to burn holes in my eyes. I fidget under his stare not knowing what to do I didn't know I was wearing a shirt that shocked me probably more what was it doing in my room in my closet, am I saying mine?

"oh sorry it was mixed in with my belongings, I will give it back to you," I say

"No- it looks better on you," he says with a smirk

I didn't know what to say should I say thank you well for the small compliment/savior my kidnapper gave me? I don't know how to talk to him and worst of all I was nervous, not scared nervous but shy nervous to be around him nervous to be under his stare. We sat there not saying anything to each other I couldn't handle the pressure of the silence, so I blurted out the only thing that was on my mind.

"Why am I here?" I ask looking up at him

He looks at me with hesitation in his eyes he lets out a breathy sigh as he speaks "Ever since I saw you that day I couldn't stop thinking about you" he said in a low monotoned voice

"At that moment I realized I wanted you, I was going to make you mine it might be selfish but I'm a very selfish man, a devil some may say but you're the only light I have seen in a really long time. He says as he looked away.

"That night when you went out to the club, I had my men nearby so they can protect you. they were supposed to watch you you were never supposed to get hurt. But that ******* tried to put his hands on what's mine I could not let him go free" He spoke with venom dripping off every word he said. I couldn't move I felt like my lungs were collapsing he called me his like I was property he was right about one thing he is selfish to try to take me away from my life. I couldn't believe the words that were coming out of his mouth all I wanted to do was be away from this man. Well, his head was turned the other way and had no sight of me I decided to bolt I ran right out that door straight into my room locking it. My back hit the door or they slid down I couldn't hold my tears any longer I brushed it out into tears I didn't care who heard I didn't care if I seemed weak. I was hurt I was broken I was told by a stranger that I was their property I hated him I wasn't his I will never be his. I slowly climbed into my bed hugging myself tightly and falling asleep in my tears.

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